sage-notebook copied to clipboard
sage jupyter kernel installation
Hi, thanks for upgrading sage-notebook to Python 3.
I just tried to build the new sage-notebook on my Jupyter Docker Stacks and it seemed to succeed, but the kernel didn't get installed. Here is what I logged from the docker build:
Step 10/11 : RUN echo ' from sage.repl.ipython_kernel.install import SageKernelSpec; SageKernelSpec.update(prefix=os.environ["CONDA_DIR"]); ' | conda run -n sage sage && echo ' cat $SAGE_ROOT/etc/conda/activate.d/ | grep -Po '"'"'(?<=^export )[A-Z_]+(?=)'"'"' | jq --raw-input '"'"'.'"'"' | jq -s '"'"'.'"'"' | jq --argfile kernel $SAGE_LOCAL/share/jupyter/kernels/sagemath/kernel.json '"'"'. | map(. as $k | env | .[$k] as $v | {($k):$v}) | add as $vars | $kernel | .env= $vars'"'"' > $CONDA_DIR/share/jupyter/kernels/sagemath/kernel.json ' | conda run -n sage sh && fix-permissions $CONDA_DIR && fix-permissions /home/$NB_USER
---> Running in 1cd1a6de97e0
│ SageMath version 9.0, Release Date: 2020-01-01 │
│ Using Python 3.7.6. Type "help()" for help. │
Setting permissions of DOT_SAGE directory so only you can read and write it.
sage: Exiting Sage (CPU time 0m0.01s, Wall time 0m0.05s).
Removing intermediate container 1cd1a6de97e0
---> 010851b05c19
Step 11/11 : RUN echo ' ls /opt/conda/envs/sage/share/jupyter/kernels/ | grep -Po '"'"'python\d'"'"' | xargs -I % sh -c '"'"' cd $SAGE_LOCAL/share/jupyter/kernels/% && cat kernel.json | jq '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' . | .display_name = .display_name + " (sage)" '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' > kernel.json.modified && mv -f kernel.json.modified kernel.json && ln -s $SAGE_LOCAL/share/jupyter/kernels/% $CONDA_DIR/share/jupyter/kernels/%_sage '"'"' ' | conda run -n sage sh && fix-permissions $CONDA_DIR && fix-permissions /home/$NB_USER
---> Running in a91f1aeb3be0
Removing intermediate container a91f1aeb3be0
---> e199441b437e
And now:
(base) jovyan@c6e9f4c17cdc:~$ jupyter kernelspec list
Available kernels:
ir /opt/conda/share/jupyter/kernels/ir
julia-1.3 /opt/conda/share/jupyter/kernels/julia-1.3
python3 /opt/conda/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
haskell /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/haskell
So I'm not sure what happened, I'm investigating. I have a question. Where does the $SAGE_LOCAL
variable in the Dockerfile get set?
The SAGE_* environmental variables are set and available when activating the the "sage" conda environment. The Dockerfile pipes commands into "conda run -n sage" for the purpose of being able of accessing them.
So, I suspect the reason that the Sage kernel isn't working for me is that when I run my Jupyter Docker Stacks images, I run as a user other than jovyan in the container (this is necessary for my particular environment).
It looks like the sage-notebook/Dockerfile
requires that the user be jovyan? There is a /home/jovyan/.sage
directory created during the Docker build, and also the file /home/jovyan/.conda/environments.txt
has the contents:
Actually, maybe the problem isn't the jovyan user.
This happens:
(base) jovyan@a50de8f62016:~$ jupyter kernelspec list
Available kernels:
ir /opt/conda/share/jupyter/kernels/ir
julia-1.3 /opt/conda/share/jupyter/kernels/julia-1.3
python3 /opt/conda/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
haskell /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/haskell
(base) jovyan@a50de8f62016:~$ conda activate sage
(sage) jovyan@a50de8f62016:~$ jupyter kernelspec list
Available kernels:
python3 /opt/conda/envs/sage/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
sagemath /opt/conda/envs/sage/share/jupyter/kernels/sagemath
haskell /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/haskell
I tried conda activate --stack sage
but I get the same results, I still lose the ir
and julia
There seems to be some controversy over how conda has recently changed:
This issue definitely has nothing to do with whether or not the user is jovyan.
I'm surprised that activating sage
and then running the jupyter
from the sage
environment does not make the Sage kernel available in Launcher:
(base) jovyan@0672a8b50846:~$ which jupyter
(base) jovyan@0672a8b50846:~$ conda activate sage
(sage) jovyan@0672a8b50846:~$ which jupyter
(sage) jovyan@0672a8b50846:~$ jupyter lab
My container is running conda 4.8.2 and the sagemath image hosted on, which works fine, is running conda 4.7.12. I bet this is all about the recent changes to conda global installs
Previously when using
, you did not actually have to runconda activate
, you could simply make all the conda-installed software available by updating thePATH
Jupyter Docker Stacks base notebook is on conda 4.8.2 as of March 18th
I just did a clean git clone
of this repo and then make build
, and when I ran the resulting image, the sagemath kernel does not appear. The conda
version in the image is 4.8.2.