ghclive copied to clipboard
Having trouble building ghlive
This is the end of the output from cabal-dev install --force-reinstalls
. I'm using ghc 7.4.2 and haskell-platform 2012.4.0.0 installed from Homebrew on Mac OS X 10.8.2.
Configuring ghclive-
Warning: This package indirectly depends on multiple versions of the same
package. This is highly likely to cause a compile failure.
package regex-base-0.93.2 requires mtl-2.1.1
package websockets- requires mtl-2.1.2
package tls-extra-0.5.1 requires mtl-2.1.2
package tls-1.0.3 requires mtl-2.1.2
package resourcet-0.4.4 requires mtl-2.1.2
package project-template-0.1.1 requires mtl-2.1.2
package pem-0.1.2 requires mtl-2.1.2
package parsec-3.1.3 requires mtl-2.1.2
package monad-logger- requires mtl-2.1.2
package http-conduit- requires mtl-2.1.2
package hint- requires mtl-2.1.2
package ghclive- requires mtl-2.1.2
package ghc-mtl- requires mtl-2.1.2
package diagrams-svg- requires mtl-2.1.2
package certificate-1.3.3 requires mtl-2.1.2
package blaze-svg- requires mtl-2.1.2
package asn1-data-0.7.1 requires mtl-2.1.2
package aeson- requires mtl-2.1.2
package MonadCatchIO-mtl- requires mtl-2.1.2
Building ghclive-
Preprocessing library ghclive-
[1 of 1] Compiling Network.Web.GHCLive.Display ( src/Network/Web/GHCLive/Display.hs, dist/build/Network/Web/GHCLive/Display.o )
No instances for (Floating (D.Scalar v0),
Ord (D.Scalar v0),
D.Backend D.SVG v0,
D.AdditiveGroup (D.Scalar v0))
arising from a use of `D.renderDia'
Possible fix:
add instance declarations for
(Floating (D.Scalar v0),
Ord (D.Scalar v0),
D.Backend D.SVG v0,
D.AdditiveGroup (D.Scalar v0))
In the expression:
D.SVG (D.SVGOptions "output.file" (D.Dims size size)) dia
In an equation for `renderMyDiagramToSvg':
renderMyDiagramToSvg size dia
= D.renderDia
D.SVG (D.SVGOptions "output.file" (D.Dims size size)) dia
Couldn't match type `D.Result D.SVG v0'
with `Text.Blaze.Internal.MarkupM ()'
In the return type of a call of `D.renderDia'
In the expression:
D.SVG (D.SVGOptions "output.file" (D.Dims size size)) dia
In an equation for `renderMyDiagramToSvg':
renderMyDiagramToSvg size dia
= D.renderDia
D.SVG (D.SVGOptions "output.file" (D.Dims size size)) dia
The function `D.SVGOptions' is applied to two arguments,
but its type `D.SizeSpec2D -> D.Options D.SVG D.R2' has only one
In the second argument of `D.renderDia', namely
`(D.SVGOptions "output.file" (D.Dims size size))'
In the expression:
D.SVG (D.SVGOptions "output.file" (D.Dims size size)) dia
In an equation for `renderMyDiagramToSvg':
renderMyDiagramToSvg size dia
= D.renderDia
D.SVG (D.SVGOptions "output.file" (D.Dims size size)) dia
Failed to install ghclive-
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
ghclive- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
Here's the output of just cabal install
$ cabal install
Resolving dependencies...
In order, the following would be installed:
Boolean-0.1.2 (new package)
NumInstances-1.0 (new package)
SHA-1.6.1 (new package)
ansi-terminal- (new package)
asn1-data-0.7.1 (new package)
attoparsec- (new package)
base64-bytestring- (new package)
blaze-builder- (reinstall) changes: text- ->
aeson- (new package)
blaze-markup- (new version)
blaze-html- (new package)
blaze-svg- (reinstall) changes: blaze-markup- ->,
mtl-2.1.2 -> 2.1.1
byteorder-1.0.3 (new package)
case-insensitive- (new package)
cipher-aes-0.1.5 (new package)
cmdargs-0.10.1 (new package)
colour-2.3.3 (new package)
contravariant- (new package)
crypto-random-api-0.2.0 (new package)
cprng-aes-0.3.2 (new package)
css-text-0.1.1 (new package)
data-default-0.5.0 (new package)
cookie- (new package)
date-cache-0.3.0 (new package)
enumerator-0.4.19 (new package)
attoparsec-enumerator-0.3.1 (new package)
blaze-builder-enumerator- (new package)
failure- (new package)
file-embed- (new package)
hfsevents-0.1.3 (new package)
hint- (new package)
http-date-0.0.4 (new package)
http-types- (new package)
mime-mail- (new package)
mime-types- (new package)
network-enumerator-0.1.5 (new package)
newtype-0.2 (new package)
optparse-applicative- (new package)
path-pieces-0.1.2 (new package)
pem-0.1.2 (new package)
certificate-1.3.3 (new package)
pureMD5- (new package)
pwstore-fast-2.3 (new package)
ranges-0.2.4 (new package)
email-validate-0.3.2 (new package)
regex-base-0.93.2 (reinstall) changes: mtl-2.1.2 -> 2.1.1
regex-posix-0.95.2 (reinstall)
regex-compat-0.95.1 (reinstall)
resource-pool- (new package)
resourcet-0.4.4 (new package)
pool-conduit-0.1.1 (new package)
safe-0.3.3 (new package)
semigroups-0.8.5 (new package)
comonad- (new package)
monoid-extras- (new package)
dual-tree- (new package)
semigroupoids-3.0.1 (new package)
shakespeare-1.0.2 (new package)
hamlet- (new package)
shakespeare-css-1.0.2 (new package)
shakespeare-i18n- (new package)
shakespeare-js-1.1.1 (new package)
shakespeare-text- (new package)
silently- (new package)
simple-sendfile-0.2.10 (new package)
skein- (new package)
clientsession- (new package)
socks-0.4.2 (new package)
stringsearch- (new package)
system-filepath-0.4.7 (new package)
ReadArgs-1.2.1 (new package)
basic-prelude- (new package)
classy-prelude-0.4.3 (new package)
system-fileio-0.3.10 (new package)
fsnotify-0.0.6 (new package)
tagsoup-0.12.8 (new package)
tar- (new version)
tls-1.0.3 (new package)
tls-extra-0.5.1 (new package)
unix-compat- (new package)
unix-time-0.1.4 (new package)
fast-logger-0.3.1 (new package)
vault- (new package)
void-0.5.11 (new package)
MemoTrie-0.6.1 (new package)
conduit-0.5.6 (new package)
attoparsec-conduit- (new package)
base64-conduit-0.5.1 (new package)
blaze-builder-conduit- (new package)
crypto-conduit-0.4.2 (new package)
monad-logger- (new package)
network-conduit- (new package)
persistent- (new package)
persistent-template- (new package)
vector-space-0.8.6 (new package)
active- (new package)
vector-space-points- (new package)
diagrams-core-0.6 (new package)
diagrams-lib-0.6 (new package)
diagrams-svg- (new package)
wai- (new package)
wai-app-static-1.3.1 (new package)
wai-logger-0.3.0 (new package)
warp-1.3.6 (new package)
websockets- (new package)
wai-websockets-1.3.1 (new package)
word8-0.0.3 (new package)
xml-types-0.3.3 (new package)
xml-conduit- (new package)
classy-prelude-conduit-0.4.3 (new package)
project-template-0.1.1 (new package)
xss-sanitize-0.3.3 (new package)
yaml-0.8.2 (new package)
yesod-routes- (new package)
zlib-bindings- (new package)
zlib-conduit- (new package)
http-conduit- (new package)
authenticate-1.3.2 (new package)
http-reverse-proxy- (new package)
wai-extra- (new package)
yesod-core- (new package)
yesod-default-1.1.3 (new package)
yesod-json-1.1.2 (new package)
yesod-persistent- (new package)
yesod-form- (new package)
yesod-auth-1.1.3 (new package)
yesod- (new package)
yesod-static- (new package)
ghclive- (new package)
cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls:
Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.
I also just stumbled upon this problem.
This seems to get it to compile:
$ git diff
diff --git a/src/Network/Web/GHCLive/Display.hs b/src/Network/Web/GHCLive/Display.hs
index 983c5a8..10e786c 100644
--- a/src/Network/Web/GHCLive/Display.hs
+++ b/src/Network/Web/GHCLive/Display.hs
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ displayEmpty = DisplayResult []
renderMyDiagramToSvg :: Double -> D.Diagram D.SVG D.R2 -> B.Html
renderMyDiagramToSvg size dia =
- D.renderDia D.SVG (D.SVGOptions "output.file" (D.Dims size size)) dia
+ D.renderDia D.SVG (D.SVGOptions (D.Dims size size)) dia
instance Display DisplayResult where
display d = d