cron-bundle copied to clipboard
v5 branch - Command running cron jobs terminates
My observation is that I have jobs which have running_instances > 0 and, because of this, are then skipped and never executed again. Some of my jobs take up to four minutes, this is why I added a configuration file and set the process timeout to five minutes. Still I see the following in my log (output of the shapecode process):
[OK] cronjob started successfully and is running in background.................
Running "app:update-most-recent-interaction-with-companies"
[OK] cronjob started successfully and is running in background.................
Running "app:document-change-feed"
[Note] cronjob will not be executed. Next run is: Wed, 24 Aug 2022 19:50:00....
waiting for all running jobs ...
// Cronjobs started at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 19:20:01 -0400.........................
Execute cronjobs
[Info] Found 15 jobs...........................................................
Running "app:enrich-companies"
[Note] cronjob will not be executed. Next run is: Wed, 24 Aug 2022 20:14:00....
The line that all jobs are finished is missing:
waiting for all running jobs ...
[OK] All jobs are finished.....................................................
What can I do? I cannot see any error messages. My cronjob command looks as follows:
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/docker exec hcw_php su symfony -c '/usr/local/bin/php -d memory_limit=2G /var/www/html/bin/console shapecode:cron:run' >> /tmp/shapecode.log 2>&1