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🔐🔐🔐 A simple Nodejs Async LDAP authentication library

Results 16 ldap-authentication issues
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Is it possible to turn off the console.log call? https://github.com/shaozi/ldap-authentication/blob/50e3422d132f0d836cda6a850af1a1dbf6272a9f/index.js#L90 and https://github.com/shaozi/ldap-authentication/blob/50e3422d132f0d836cda6a850af1a1dbf6272a9f/index.js#L136 I get a lot of "referral: ..." lines which should not be in my output. Thanks!

Current implementation requests all attributes by default and does not allow requesting custom attribute lists. Default attribute list does not include calculated attributes and as far as I see there...


This would allow for more specific user management without needing an explicit username or password, something like: ```js // auth with admin let options = { ldapOpts: { url: 'ldap://example.com',...


Hi, There seems to be an issue when authenticating against microsoft active directory, using one of the two examples (the one without mongodb), I can see that it finds the...

good first issue

Last release is 9 months ago and it does not match the npm package 3.0.1 vs 3.0.3.

Hi, When using this package, we are noticing that our APIs sometimes come down hard due to the following errors. The first error is ``` /app/node_modules/ldapjs/lib/client/client.js:1102 socket.removeAllListeners('connect') ^ TypeError: Cannot...

Hi, Due to our complicated AD structure we have a varied DN structure over our manay accounts. Is it possible to use this but search using either the SAMname or...

As an escape hatch, it would be nice to narrow the search at the LDAP level with very particular filters. We'd like to propose adding a `userSearchFilter` that would be...

Hello everyone I get a similar error. Is it caused by the fact that I am incorrectly transmitting authorization data or something else?


I believe I’ve tried all possible variable variations but still I’m unable to achieve this. Could perhaps someone steer me to the right direction? Should I perhaps just parse the...