
Results 24 issues of ʱªʱªʱª

Problem with full screen playback. Request help.please - [ ] react-native-af-video-player version:^0.2.1 - [ ] React Native version:0.55.4 - [ ] OS: iOS && Android code: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14305431/40839074-79cf23fc-65d3-11e8-89dd-07ed4271609a.png)

iOS上拉加载界面无法回弹问题?iOS这边第一次上拉界面无法回弹. 2.0.1版本

出现:1."RCTBridgeModule.h" file not found 2.Warning:In next release empty section headers will be rendered. In this release you can use 'enableEmptySection' flag to render empty section headers. 其中2解决了.

If you turn on the dropdown box, you will be returned to the previous page and the dropdown box will still exist awesome_dropdown: ^0.0.4 #下拉框 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14305431/153526950-94dd2a33-8247-48aa-a8cc-c277797fd211.png)