python-printer-escpos icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
python-printer-escpos copied to clipboard

Talk to Dot Matrix, Thermal POS printers supporting ESCPOS Specification


Complete set of documentation at

python-printer-escpos is a package to directly print to ESCPOS specification( compliant POS printers directly over Serial, USB, Network or UNIX device file connections.

This package supports most of the escpos specification functionality and allows you to print QR codes, logo images, barcode in the default mode. The package may be extended by adding your own escpos.commandset.* module instead of the default escpos.commandset.generic package. If you extend the functionality for this package for a specific printer, do publish your code on PyPi and email to provide a link for your commandset in this package's documentation.


Get some prerequisites first for image printing etc.


pip install Pillow

Install python-printer-escpos


pip install python-printer-escpos


USB Printer

Advanced Usage ''''''''''''''


Synopsis ''''''''

.. code:: python

from escpos.connections import getUSBPrinter

printer = getUSBPrinter()(idVendor=0x1504, idProduct=0x0006 inputEndPoint=0x82, outputEndPoint=0x01) # Create the printer object with the connection params

printer.text("Hello World") printer.lf()

Network Printer

Advanced Usage ''''''''''''''


Synposis ''''''''

.. code:: python

from escpos.connections import getNetworkPrinter

printer = getNetworkPrinter()(host='', port=9100)

printer.text("Hello World") printer.lf()

Serial Printer

Advanced Usage ''''''''''''''


Synposis ''''''''

.. code:: python

from escpos.connections import getSerialPrinter

printer = getSerialPrinter()(dev='/dev/ttyS0', baudrate=9600)

printer.text("Hello World") printer.lf()

Device File Printer

Advanced Usage ''''''''''''''


Synposis ''''''''

.. code:: python

from escpos.connections import getFilePrinter

printer = getFilePrinter()(dev='/dev/ttys2')

printer.text("Hello World") printer.lf()

Generic example code

See the full list of available default commands at

.. code:: python

from escpos.connections import getUSBPrinter

printer = getUSBPrinter()(idVendor=0x1504, idProduct=0x0006 inputEndPoint=0x82, outputEndPoint=0x01) # Create the printer object with the connection params

Print a image


printer.text("Hello World") printer.lf()

printer.align('center') printer.text('This text is center aligned')

Print a barcode

printer.barcode(text='Shantanu', textPosition='below', font='b', height=100, width=2, system='CODE93') printer.lf()

printer.bold() printer.text('This text is bold text') printer.lf() printer.bold(False) printer.text('This text is not bold') printer.lf()

printer.charSpacing(1) printer.text('This text has normal right char spacing') printer.lf() printer.charSpacing(5) printer.text('This text has 5 right char spacing') printer.lf()

printer.color() printer.text('This text is in primary color') printer.lf() printer.color(1) printer.text('This text is in color 1') printer.lf()

printer.doubleHeight() printer.text('This text is double height text') printer.lf() printer.doubleHeight(False) printer.text('This text is not double height') printer.lf()

printer.doubleStrike() printer.text('This text is double strike text') printer.lf() printer.doubleStrike(False) printer.text('This text is not double strike') printer.lf()

printer.doubleWidth() printer.text('This text is double width text') printer.lf() printer.doubleWidth(False) printer.text('This text is not double width') printer.lf()

printer.font('b') printer.text('This text is in font b') printer.lf() printer.font('a') printer.text('This text is in font a') printer.lf()

printer.invert() printer.text('This text is in inverted colors') printer.lf() printer.invert(False) printer.text('This text is not in inverted colors') printer.lf()

printer.leftMargin(30) printer.text('This text has left Margin of 30') printer.lf()

printer.lineSpacing() printer.text('This text has 1/6 inch line spacing') printer.lf() printer.lineSpacing(5) printer.text('This text has 5/60 inch line spacing') printer.lf()

printer.printAreaWidth(200) printer.text('Set print area width to 200') printer.lf() printer.text('1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890') printer.printAreaWidth() printer.lf()

Print QR Code

printer.qr('My name is Shantanu Bhadoria') printer.qr('WIFI:T:WPA;S:ShantanusWifi;P:wifipasswordhere;;') # Create a QR code for connecting to a Wifi printer.lf()

printer.rotate90(True) printer.text('This text is rotated 90 degrees') printer.rotate90(False)

items = [ { 'quantity': 10, 'name': "Guiness Beer", 'price': 24, }, { 'quantity': 2, 'name': "Pizza", 'price': 500.50, }, { 'quantity': 1, 'name': "Tandoori Chicken", 'price': 50.20, }, ]

printer.tabPositions([3, 32]) for plu in items: printer.text(str(plu['quantity'])) printer.text(' x ' + plu['name']) printer.text('$' + str(plu['price']))

printer.underline() printer.text('This text is underlined text') printer.lf() printer.underline(True,True) printer.text('This text is double dot width underlined text') printer.lf() printer.underline(False) printer.text('This text is not underlined') printer.lf()

printer.upsideDown() printer.text('This text is upside down') printer.lf() printer.upsideDown(False) printer.text('This text is not upside down') printer.lf()

printer.horizontalPosition(100) printer.text('This text starts at 1/6inches from left margin')

