Shantanu Singh
Shantanu Singh
I have been facing the same issue
Just checking in - has this been triaged yet?
@jonesmz With respect to moving the logic to a separate header, I can do that. @redboltz I'm using mqtt_cpp in a project and our customer is hesitant to use the...
@redboltz > Please don't use negative condition with else clause. See Will do > Change namespace definitions for the ssl library: It this required? I think that the existing...
Related to issue #662
@redboltz, I'm a bit preoccupied with work. I'll get back to this PR sometime next week or the one after. I'll update the PR with rebased commits too. Currently running...
@redboltz thanks for the tip! I'll use that I had one question - With respect to including the headers in [boost-asio-gnutls](, the PR in it's current state assumes that the...
> @redboltz thanks for the tip! I'll use that > > I had one question - With respect to including the headers in [boost-asio-gnutls](, the PR in it's current state...
I ran into a problem with websocket based clients i.e., MQTT_USE_TLS combined with MQTT_USE_WS. The header `boost/beast/websocket/gnutls/ssl.hpp` included in `include/mqtt/ws_endpoint.hpp` refers to `boost/asio/ssl/stream.hpp`. That's based on OpenSSL. I had to...
@jonesmz Not sure if they'd be accepting of that change so easily. They'd make the argument of updating `boost/asio` to add support for GnuTLS _natively_ instead of leveraging a different...