require-glob copied to clipboard
Requires multiple modules using glob patterns and combines them into a nested object.
Requires multiple modules using glob patterns and combines them into a nested object.
$ npm install --save require-glob
┣━ unicorn.js
┣━ cake.js
┗━ rainbow/
┣━ red-orange.js
┣━ _yellow_green.js
┗━ BluePurple.js
var requireGlob = require('require-glob');
requireGlob(['**/*.js', '!cake.js']).then(function (modules) {
// {
// unicorn: [object Object],
// rainbow: {
// redOrange: [object Object],
// _yellow_green: [object Object],
// BluePurple: [object Object]
// }
// }
requireGlob(patterns [, options]): Promise
Returns a promise that resolves to an object containing the required contents of matching globbed files.
requireGlob.sync(patterns [, options]): Object
Returns an object containing the required contents of matching globbed files.
Type: {String|Array.<String>}
One or more minimatch
glob patterns patterns. Supports negation.
Type: {Object}
This object is ultimately passed directly to node-glob
so check there for more options, in addition to those below.
Type: {String}
(default: __dirname
The current working directory in which to search. Defaults to the __dirname
of the requiring module so relative paths work the same as Node.js's require.
Type: {String}
(default: common non-glob parent)
Default is everything before the first glob starts in the first pattern (see glob-parent
This option has no effect if you define your own mapper
requireGlob(['./src/**', './lib/**'], { cwd: '/home/jdoe/my-module' });
// base is: /home/jdoe/my-module/src
requireGlob('./{src,lib}/**', { cwd: '/home/jdoe/my-module' });
// base is: /home/jdoe/my-module
Type: {Boolean}
(default: false
Whether to force the reload of modules by deleting them from the cache. Useful inside watch tasks.
This option has no effect if you define your own mapper
Type: {Function(options, filePath, i, filePaths) : Object}
The mapper is reponsible for requiring the globbed modules. The default mapper returns an object containing path information and the result of requiring the module.
// file: /home/jdoe/my-module/index.js
// the resulting list of files
// will be mapped to
cwd: '/home/jdoe/my-module',
base: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src',
path: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src/unicorn.js',
exports: require('./src/unicorn')
cwd: '/home/jdoe/my-module',
base: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src',
path: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src/rainbow/red-orange.js',
exports: require('./src/rainbow/red-orange')
cwd: '/home/jdoe/my-module',
base: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src',
path: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src/rainbow/_yellow_green.js',
exports: require('./src/rainbow/_yellow_green')
cwd: '/home/jdoe/my-module',
base: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src',
path: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src/rainbow/BluePurple.js',
exports: require('./src/rainbow/BluePurple')
Type: {Function(options, result, fileObject, i, fileObjects): Object}
The reducer is responsible for generating the final object structure. The default reducer expects an array as produced by the default mapper and turns it into a nested object. Path separators determine object nesting. Directory names and file names are converted to camelCase
. File extensions are ignored.
// mapper example is reduced to
unicorn: require('./src/unicorn.js'),
rainbow: {
redOrange: require('./src/rainbow/red-orange.js'),
_yellow_green: require('./src/rainbow/_yellow_green.js'),
BluePurple: require('./src/rainbow/BluePurple.js'),
Type: {any}
(default: {}
The initial value passed to the reducer. The default is an empty object, as expected by the default reducer.
// file: /home/jdoe/my-module/index.js
const defaultDependencies = {
clover: require('clover'),
unicorn: require('unicorn'),
requireGlob('./src/**/*.js', {
initialValue: defaultDependencies,
// reducer example is changed to
clover: require('clover'),
unicorn: require('./src/unicorn.js'),
rainbow: {
redOrange: require('./src/rainbow/red-orange.js'),
_yellow_green: require('./src/rainbow/_yellow_green.js'),
BluePurple: require('./src/rainbow/BluePurple.js'),
Type: {Function(options, fileObj): String|Array.<String>}
The default reducer uses this function to generate a unique key path for every module. The default keygen converts hyphenated and dot-separated sections of directory names and the file name to camelCase
. File extensions are ignored. Path separators determine object nesting.
This option has no effect if you define your own reducer
// given the mapped object
cwd: '/home/jdoe/my-module',
base: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src',
path: '/home/jdoe/my-module/src/fooBar/bar-baz/_bat.qux.js',
exports: require('./src/fooBar/bar-baz/_bat.qux.js')
// the keygen will produce
// which the reducer will use to construct
fooBar: {
barBaz: {
_batQux: require('./src/fooBar/bar-baz/_bat.qux.js')
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