bulk icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bulk copied to clipboard

Executes a command across multiple subdirectories.


Run the same command across several directories.


export PATH="$PATH:~/bin"
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shannonmoeller/bulk/master/bulk.sh > ~/bin/bulk
chmod +x ~/bin/bulk


usage: bulk [options] [command]

  -1    Print results on a single line.
  -d    Subdirectory of each subdirectory in which to run the command.
  -e    Name of subdirectory to exclude.
  -i    Name of subdirectory to include.


/Users/smoeller/example $ tree -L 2
├── cake/
│   ├── .git/
│   └── readme.md
├── rainbow/
│   ├── .git/
│   └── readme.md
└── unicorn/
    ├── .git/
    └── readme.md

3 directories, 0 files

/Users/smoeller/example $ bulk pwd
./cake/ > pwd
./rainbow/ > pwd
./unicorn/ > pwd

/Users/smoeller/example $ bulk git config -l | grep url
[email protected]:smoeller-example/cake.git
[email protected]:smoeller-example/rainbow.git
[email protected]:smoeller-example/unicorn.git

/Users/smoeller/example $ bulk -d .git cat HEAD
./cake/.git > cat HEAD
ref: refs/heads/master
./rainbow/.git > cat HEAD
ref: refs/heads/staging
./unicorn/.git > cat HEAD
ref: refs/heads/develop

/Users/smoeller/example $ bulk -d .git -e rainbow -1 cat HEAD
./cake/.git > cat HEAD -> ref: refs/heads/master
./unicorn/.git > cat HEAD -> ref: refs/heads/develop