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When doing pose refinement, is the args of `` the same as ``?

Open yinguoxiangyi opened this issue 2 years ago • 26 comments

If I use this command ./core/gdrn_modeling/ configs/gdrn/lmo_pbr/ 0 output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/model_final_wo_optim.pth which args are same as, error occurred as following.

  File "/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 81, in __init__
    texture_paths=self.data_ref.texture_paths if cfg.TEST.DEBUG else None,
                  │    │        │                └ Config (path: configs/gdrn/lmo_pbr/ {'OUTPUT_ROOT...
                  │    │        └ None
                  │    └ <module 'ref.lmo_full' from '/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../ref/'>
                  └ <core.gdrn_modeling.engine.gdrn_evaluator.GDRN_Evaluator object at 0x7fa7238bb410>

  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/utils/", line 50, in __getattr__
    raise ex
          └ AttributeError("'ConfigDict' object has no attribute 'DEBUG'")

AttributeError: 'ConfigDict' object has no attribute 'DEBUG'

Seems there is not TEST.DEBUG in configs/gdrn/lmo_pbr/

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 03 '22 07:11 yinguoxiangyi

@lolrudy Could you please provide some help?

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 03 '22 10:11 yinguoxiangyi

@shanice-l Could you please remind @lolrudy to have a view?

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 04 '22 05:11 yinguoxiangyi


shanice-l avatar Nov 04 '22 06:11 shanice-l

Another error occurred.

  File "/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 471, in process_depth_refine
    out_coor_x = out_dict["coor_x"].detach()
                 └ {'rot': tensor([[[-0.2536,  0.9567,  0.1430],
                            [ 0.9103,  0.2861, -0.2991],
                            [-0.3271,  0.0543, -0.9434]],

KeyError: 'coor_x'

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 04 '22 07:11 yinguoxiangyi

Maybe we shouldn't load texture when performing pose refinement. You could try to set texture_paths=None

shanice-l avatar Nov 05 '22 06:11 shanice-l

Where to set texture_paths=None? Should the command be modified as following

./core/gdrn_modeling/ configs/gdrn/lmo_pbr/ 0 output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/model_final_wo_optim.pth  texture_paths=None

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 07 '22 02:11 yinguoxiangyi

But the texture_paths is already None as shown in the file

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 07 '22 02:11 yinguoxiangyi

Maybe only changing USE_MTL to True can solve the coor_x missing issue. Is this right?

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 07 '22 06:11 yinguoxiangyi

Need help. @shanice-l

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 08 '22 02:11 yinguoxiangyi

Finally, I used below command with setting the TEST.USE_PNP=True and get the evaluation result. Is this command right?

./core/gdrn_modeling/ configs/gdrn/lmo_pbr/ 0 output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/model_final_wo_optim.pth TEST.USE_PNP=True

The evaluation result

objects      mspd_5:50  mssd_0.050:0.500  vsd_0.050:0.500  ad_0.020  ad_0.050  ad_0.100  reS_2  reS_5  reS_10  teS_2  teS_5  teS_10
ape          91.03      73.14             51.49            1.71      17.14     54.86     14.29  62.86  86.29   81.71  96.00  96.57
can          93.47      84.47             68.47            5.53      44.22     80.40     50.25  81.41  95.98   80.40  95.48  99.50
cat          91.17      66.08             52.11            1.75      18.13     42.69     14.62  49.71  80.70   53.22  88.30  94.74
driller      90.00      86.80             73.25            11.00     51.50     82.50     52.50  82.00  94.50   73.00  96.50  98.50
duck         90.44      61.39             55.27            0.00      3.89      29.44     12.22  32.22  71.67   72.22  96.67  98.33
eggbox       61.00      30.22             18.16            1.11      9.44      35.56     3.89   30.00  61.67   10.00  45.00  66.11
glue         85.86      68.71             51.33            13.57     50.00     78.57     11.43  45.00  79.29   52.86  85.00  94.29
holepuncher  89.80      65.45             45.75            0.00      7.00      29.00     24.00  64.50  93.00   44.00  95.50  98.50
Avg(8)       86.75      67.45             52.42            4.33      25.17     54.13     22.90  55.96  82.89   58.43  87.31  93.32
objects           ape    can    cat    driller  duck   eggbox  glue   holepuncher  Avg(8)
mspd_5:50         91.03  93.47  91.17  90.00    90.44  61.00   85.86  89.80        86.75
mssd_0.050:0.500  73.14  84.47  66.08  86.80    61.39  30.22   68.71  65.45        67.45
vsd_0.050:0.500   51.49  68.47  52.11  73.25    55.27  18.16   51.33  45.75        52.42
ad_0.020          1.71   5.53   1.75   11.00    0.00   1.11    13.57  0.00         4.33
ad_0.050          17.14  44.22  18.13  51.50    3.89   9.44    50.00  7.00         25.17
ad_0.100          54.86  80.40  42.69  82.50    29.44  35.56   78.57  29.00        54.13
reS_2             14.29  50.25  14.62  52.50    12.22  3.89    11.43  24.00        22.90
reS_5             62.86  81.41  49.71  82.00    32.22  30.00   45.00  64.50        55.96
reS_10            86.29  95.98  80.70  94.50    71.67  61.67   79.29  93.00        82.89
teS_2             81.71  80.40  53.22  73.00    72.22  10.00   52.86  44.00        58.43
teS_5             96.00  95.48  88.30  96.50    96.67  45.00   85.00  95.50        87.31
teS_10            96.57  99.50  94.74  98.50    98.33  66.11   94.29  98.50        93.32
100%|##########| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 21.89it/s]
20221108_034030|core.gdrn_modeling.engine.test_utils@456: output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/inference_model_final_wo_optim/lmo_bop_test

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 08 '22 03:11 yinguoxiangyi

When you set TEST.USE_PNP=True, you skip the procedure of pose refinement, so you've got the wrong results.

I don't know how to solve the problem, since this part of the code is written by @lolrudy.

shanice-l avatar Nov 08 '22 06:11 shanice-l

Could you please provide help? @lolrudy

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 08 '22 06:11 yinguoxiangyi

@shanice-l, Can @lolrudy recieve the message ? Can you remind him?

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 10 '22 04:11 yinguoxiangyi

Currently we do not support PNP and pose refinement at the same time.

lolrudy avatar Nov 16 '22 09:11 lolrudy

The args are the same as

lolrudy avatar Nov 16 '22 09:11 lolrudy

Do you still have errors? Please report the logs.

lolrudy avatar Nov 16 '22 09:11 lolrudy

There is no datasets folder. @lolrudy

(refine) root@e58529143360:/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022# ./ tless output/gdrn/tless/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_tless/inference_model_final_wo_optim/tless_bop_test_primesense/results.pkl 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 18, in <module>
    from train import (create_dataloader, gin_globals, load_raft_model,
  File "/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022/", line 23, in <module>
    from datasets import LD2DL, BOPDataset, collate_fn
ImportError: cannot import name 'LD2DL' from 'datasets' (unknown location)

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 17 '22 03:11 yinguoxiangyi

Another error occurred.

  File "/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 471, in process_depth_refine
    out_coor_x = out_dict["coor_x"].detach()
                 └ {'rot': tensor([[[-0.2536,  0.9567,  0.1430],
                            [ 0.9103,  0.2861, -0.2991],
                            [-0.3271,  0.0543, -0.9434]],

KeyError: 'coor_x'

@lolrudy Have you seen this error?

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 17 '22 06:11 yinguoxiangyi

Another error occurred.

  File "/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 471, in process_depth_refine
    out_coor_x = out_dict["coor_x"].detach()
                 └ {'rot': tensor([[[-0.2536,  0.9567,  0.1430],
                            [ 0.9103,  0.2861, -0.2991],
                            [-0.3271,  0.0543, -0.9434]],

KeyError: 'coor_x'

@lolrudy Have you seen this error?

Which config you are using? Currently we only support "GDRN_double_mask". To enable other models, change the model code like this,

lolrudy avatar Nov 17 '22 09:11 lolrudy

There is no datasets folder. @lolrudy

(refine) root@e58529143360:/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022# ./ tless output/gdrn/tless/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_tless/inference_model_final_wo_optim/tless_bop_test_primesense/results.pkl 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 18, in <module>
    from train import (create_dataloader, gin_globals, load_raft_model,
  File "/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022/", line 23, in <module>
    from datasets import LD2DL, BOPDataset, collate_fn
ImportError: cannot import name 'LD2DL' from 'datasets' (unknown location)

Sorry for that. I upload this folder. Please check the latest version.

lolrudy avatar Nov 17 '22 09:11 lolrudy

Another error occurred.

  File "/workspace/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 471, in process_depth_refine
    out_coor_x = out_dict["coor_x"].detach()
                 └ {'rot': tensor([[[-0.2536,  0.9567,  0.1430],
                            [ 0.9103,  0.2861, -0.2991],
                            [-0.3271,  0.0543, -0.9434]],

KeyError: 'coor_x'

@lolrudy Have you seen this error?

Which config you are using? Currently we only support "GDRN_double_mask". To enable other models, change the model code like this,

I used below command.

./core/gdrn_modeling/ configs/gdrn/lmo_pbr/ 0 output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/model_final_wo_optim.pth

in which config file is configs/gdrn/lmo_pbr/ and the model in this config file is also GDRN_double_mask but the error still exists.

yinguoxiangyi avatar Nov 19 '22 03:11 yinguoxiangyi

20221202_151154|ERR|__main__@233: An error has been caught in function '<module>', process 'MainProcess' (7926), thread 'MainThread' (140653361354560):
Traceback (most recent call last):

> File "./core/gdrn_modeling/", line 233, in <module>
    │    └ Namespace(config_file='configs/gdrn/tless/', dist...
    └ <function main at 0x7feb509dfb80>

  File "./core/gdrn_modeling/", line 199, in main
    └ <class '__main__.Lite'>

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pytorch_lightning/lite/", line 408, in _run_impl
    return run_method(*args, **kwargs)
           │           │       └ {}
           │           └ (Namespace(config_file='configs/gdrn/tless/', dis...
           └ functools.partial(<bound method LightningLite._run_with_strategy_setup of <__main__.Lite object at 0x7fec697e1880>>, <bound m...

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pytorch_lightning/lite/", line 413, in _run_with_strategy_setup
    return run_method(*args, **kwargs)
           │           │       └ {}
           │           └ (Namespace(config_file='configs/gdrn/tless/', dis...
           └ <bound method of <__main__.Lite object at 0x7fec697e1880>>

  File "./core/gdrn_modeling/", line 183, in run
    return self.do_test(cfg, model)
           │    │       │    └ _LiteModule(
           │    │       │        (_module): GDRN_DoubleMask(
           │    │       │          (backbone): FeatureListNet(
           │    │       │            (stem_0): Conv2d(3, 128, kernel_size=(4, 4),...
           │    │       └ Config (path: configs/gdrn/tless/ {'OUTPUT_ROOT...
           │    └ <function GDRN_Lite.do_test at 0x7feb50d26b80>
           └ <__main__.Lite object at 0x7fec697e1880>

  File "/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 159, in do_test
    results_i = gdrn_inference_on_dataset(cfg, model, data_loader, evaluator, amp_test=cfg.TEST.AMP_TEST)
                │                         │    │      │            │                   └ Config (path: configs/gdrn/tless/ {'OUTPUT_ROOT...
                │                         │    │      │            └ <core.gdrn_modeling.engine.gdrn_evaluator.GDRN_Evaluator object at 0x7febf1c89dc0>
                │                         │    │      └ <pytorch_lightning.lite.wrappers._LiteDataLoader object at 0x7feb4a07ffd0>
                │                         │    └ _LiteModule(
                │                         │        (_module): GDRN_DoubleMask(
                │                         │          (backbone): FeatureListNet(
                │                         │            (stem_0): Conv2d(3, 128, kernel_size=(4, 4),...
                │                         └ Config (path: configs/gdrn/tless/ {'OUTPUT_ROOT...
                └ <function gdrn_inference_on_dataset at 0x7feb50d618b0>

  File "/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 762, in gdrn_inference_on_dataset
    evaluator.process(inputs, outputs, out_dict)  # RANSAC/PnP
    │         │       │       │        └ {'rot': tensor([[[-0.9439,  0.3293, -0.0243],
    │         │       │       │                   [ 0.3211,  0.8981, -0.3004],
    │         │       │       │                   [-0.0770, -0.2913, -0.9535]],
    │         │       │       │          
    │         │       │       │           ...
    │         │       │       └ [{'time': tensor(1.6845, dtype=torch.float64)}]
    │         │       └ [{'dataset_name': 'tless_bop_test_primesense', 'file_name': ['datasets/BOP_DATASETS/tless/test_primesense/000001/rgb/000001.p...
    │         └ <function GDRN_Evaluator.process at 0x7feb50d755e0>
    └ <core.gdrn_modeling.engine.gdrn_evaluator.GDRN_Evaluator object at 0x7febf1c89dc0>

  File "/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 178, in process
    return self.process_depth_refine(inputs, outputs, out_dict)
           │    │                    │       │        └ {'rot': tensor([[[-0.9439,  0.3293, -0.0243],
           │    │                    │       │                   [ 0.3211,  0.8981, -0.3004],
           │    │                    │       │                   [-0.0770, -0.2913, -0.9535]],
           │    │                    │       │          
           │    │                    │       │           ...
           │    │                    │       └ [{'time': tensor(1.6845, dtype=torch.float64)}]
           │    │                    └ [{'dataset_name': 'tless_bop_test_primesense', 'file_name': ['datasets/BOP_DATASETS/tless/test_primesense/000001/rgb/000001.p...
           │    └ <function GDRN_Evaluator.process_depth_refine at 0x7feb50d75790>
           └ <core.gdrn_modeling.engine.gdrn_evaluator.GDRN_Evaluator object at 0x7febf1c89dc0>

  File "/gdrnpp_bop2022/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 471, in process_depth_refine
    out_coor_x = out_dict["coor_x"].detach()
                 └ {'rot': tensor([[[-0.9439,  0.3293, -0.0243],
                            [ 0.3211,  0.8981, -0.3004],
                            [-0.0770, -0.2913, -0.9535]],

KeyError: 'coor_x'

facing the same error as @yinguoxiangyi used the tless dataset any progress with that error?

hoenigpeter avatar Dec 02 '22 15:12 hoenigpeter

Obviously, coor_x (and coor_y, coor_z) are missing in the output dict. I think you need to add " or if cfg.TEST.USE_DEPTH_REFINE" in line 203 of

@shanice-l , @lolrudy do you have a pointer to any paper that describes this kind of depth refinement from a theoretical point of view?

pfollmann avatar Dec 29 '22 14:12 pfollmann

Did you have any progress with this issue? @pfollmann 's suggestion leads to a different error:

`File "/home/faps/GDRNPP_pose_est/pose_est_gdrnpp/core/gdrn_modeling/../../core/gdrn_modeling/engine/", line 541, in process_depth_refine query_img_norm = query_img_norm.numpy() * ren_mask * depth_sensor_mask_crop │ │ │ └ array([[False, False, False, ..., True, True, True], │ │ │ [False, False, False, ..., True, True, True], │ │ │ [False... │ │ └ array([[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], │ │ [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], │ │ [False... │ └ <method 'numpy' of 'torch._C._TensorBase' objects> └ tensor([[0.2185, 0.0494, 0.0187, ..., 0.1013, 0.1349, 0.2969], [0.0657, 0.0092, 0.0236, ..., 0.1159, 0.1059, 0.1520...

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (64,64) (256,256) `

Martin9797 avatar Jan 25 '23 14:01 Martin9797


Could you please share how you achieved model_final_wo_optim.pth?

(gdrnpp) mona@ada:~/gdrnpp_bop2022$ ./core/gdrn_modeling/ configs/gdrn/lmo_pbr/ 0 output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/model_final_wo_optim.pth TEST.USE_PNP=True
++ dirname ./core/gdrn_modeling/
+ this_dir=./core/gdrn_modeling
+ CFG=configs/gdrn/lmo_pbr/
+ IFS=,
+ read -ra GPUS
+ NGPU=1
+ echo 'use gpu ids: 0 num gpus: 1'
use gpu ids: 0 num gpus: 1
+ CKPT=output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/model_final_wo_optim.pth
+ '[' '!' -f output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/model_final_wo_optim.pth ']'
+ echo 'output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/model_final_wo_optim.pth does not exist.'
output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo/model_final_wo_optim.pth does not exist.
+ exit 1

monajalal avatar Jan 02 '24 15:01 monajalal

@yinguoxiangyi actually fixed thanks

Screenshot from 2024-01-02 11-07-27

(base) mona@ada:~/gdrnpp_bop2022/output/gdrn/lmo_pbr/convnext_a6_AugCosyAAEGray_BG05_mlL1_DMask_amodalClipBox_classAware_lmo$ ls
total 392M
drwxrwxr-x 3 mona mona 4.0K Jan  2 10:50 ..
drwxrwxr-x 2 mona mona 4.0K Jan  2 11:06 .
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mona mona 392M Jan  2 11:06 model_final_wo_optim.pth

monajalal avatar Jan 02 '24 16:01 monajalal