ChineseWordCloud copied to clipboard
Word Cloud for Chinese Text Corpus (中文词云制作)
Example Results
If we use some transcripts of movies (i.e., example.txt), we can get the following word clouds.
It creates the word cloud for Chinese text corpus. The layout and color of the word cloud is fit to the background templates (accept .png and .jpg files).
First, the input text is tokenized into different words. Second, stopwods will be filtered before we count the frequency. In the end, word clouds based on different background templates are generated. The output files are generated and named based on the templage names.
File structure
Install the required packages through pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
The input file can be specified in the command line as follows.
python example.txt
The default output will be
Advanced Usages
More Backgraound Templates
Please put your new pictures under ./data/templates/. Both png and jpeg files are accepted.
Different Fonts
Please modify the font_filename in the python script.
This is a part of 2017 birthday gifts to my wife :).