Shahnawaz Adil
Shahnawaz Adil
Hi @ThomasTram , I changed dxdy=-1, But again after few iterations it is giving me the same error. See the following: Reading input parameters Computing unknown input parameter 'scf_shooting_parameter' using...
Thank you so much @ThomasTram for your quick responses. As you suggested , I will increase the iterations and will add more print statements , and see what the outcome...
Hi @ThomasTram , Sorry for bothering you again. But I don't have any way or idea to resolve my issue . As you suggested I increased the no. of iterations...
Hi @ThomasTram , Thanks again for helping me out. I felt bad in asking my previous query in the weekends. I hope I didn't disturb the weekends. I will check...
Hi @ThomasTram finally from your ideas and help, I was able to run this class. Thank you for teaching me this. I have some queries to ask if you don't...
Dear Amin, Can you please print more outputs to see where this segmentation is occurring? I guess in some cases this would be giving some nan values in your calculations....
Dear Amin, Sorry for getting back to you this late. It is indeed difficult to tune your parameters in scalar field approaches. This may happen because in some cases the...
Hi @ShazAlvi , Can you check these two instances by numbering them differently. For example: after importing run first instance as param1 =..... Myclass1 = ... .. TT1= factor1= ......
Hi @ShazAlvi , I am sorry it didn't help. You can also try without python wrapper, make these Instances in class with the . ini file by setting up your...
Hi @ShazAlvi , I checked your query about the python wrapper. As @ThomasTram has also checked , it is working well in my system also. I don't know why it...