google-reviews-chatbot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
google-reviews-chatbot copied to clipboard

The Google Reviews Chatbot fetches reviews via the Google My Business API, analyzes sentiments using GPT-3, and generates tailored responses. Deployed on AWS, it uses Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, and Elast...

Google Reviews Chatbot

The Google Reviews Chatbot is an automated response system that fetches reviews from Google My Business, analyzes sentiments using OpenAI's GPT-3, and generates appropriate responses. It uses Celery for task scheduling and can be deployed on AWS using Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, and ElastiCache for Redis.

Request Access Google My Business

Click here to apply for access to Google My Business API.


  • Install the required Python packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Set up the environment variables in the .env file:


  • Run the chatbot locally:
  • Run Celery worker for task scheduling:
    celery -A celery_worker worker --loglevel=info
  • Run Celery beat for periodic task execution:
    celery -A celery_worker beat --loglevel=info

Dashboard for Google Reviews Chatbot

The dashboard for the Google Reviews Chatbot is Here. It is built using Django Rest.

Deployment on AWS

Follow the steps in the deployment guide to deploy the Google Reviews Chatbot on AWS using Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, and ElastiCache for Redis.