wilt copied to clipboard
Chnages in WiltChangeNotificationParameters class
There was no constructor to pass parameters and there were only a few parameters available. And also upgraded the dependency project.
There are conflicts here, why are you updating dart generated json files in .dart_tool? Why have you removed the dev dependencies? What is it you are trying to do?
There were some issues while I was migrating dependencies to null sound safety so I removed them. what is the use case of dev dependency apart from testing and example?
The dev dependencies are needed for unit testing(test), static analysis rules(pedantic) and web based testing(build_runner and build_test), these are a standard and needed part of Dart package development, you can't just remove them.
Why are you updating to null safety? I've done this and re released the package at version 6.0.0, its now marked as null safe in pub.
As for the other changes it may be better to raise an issue explaining what problem you have found and what your proposal is to solve it rather than just raising a pull request.