html-injector copied to clipboard
Error: Node type 11 comparison is not implemented (Web components)
Hi there! I'm working on a Polymer app that could really benefit from html-injector (since literally everything in Polymer is effectively HTML), but whenever I make a change, I get the following:
Error: Node type 11 comparison is not implemented
...Thrown by dom-compare-temp
According to, "type 11" is a document fragment, which I'm guessing is related to Polymer and web components.
Any chance this could be improved, possibly by using a different comparison dependency? It would be so nice to be able to inject code instead of refreshing the entire page...
I'm using Vue.js, and I'm getting the exact same error when making a change in my html.
Here's the full trace:
throw Error("Node type " + left.nodeType + " comparison is not implemented");
Error: Node type 11 comparison is not implemented
at Error (native)
at Comparator.compareNode (C:\..\node_modules\dom-
at Comparator._compareNodeList (C:\..\node_modules
at Comparator.compareNode (C:\..\node_modules\dom-
at Comparator._compareNodeList (C:\..\node_modules
at Comparator.compareNode (C:\..\node_modules\dom-
apparently this error is triggered by a keyword "template" which is used both inside polymer components and vue
OK, so it's a bug in dom-compare-temp module which is used by htmlinjector. Here is the the failing function:
Comparator.prototype.compareNode = function(left, right) {
var vLeft, vRight, r;
if (left.nodeName === right.nodeName && left.nodeType == right.nodeType) {
switch (left.nodeType) {
case type.DOCUMENT_NODE:
return this.compareNode(left.documentElement, right.documentElement);
case type.ELEMENT_NODE:
return this._compareAttributes(left.attributes, right.attributes) &&
this._compareNodeList(left.childNodes, right.childNodes);
case type.TEXT_NODE:
// fallthrough
// fallthrough
case type.COMMENT_NODE:
if (left.nodeType == type.COMMENT_NODE && !this._options.compareComments)
return true;
vLeft = "" + left.nodeValue;
vRight = "" + right.nodeValue;
if (this._options.stripSpaces && left.nodeType !== type.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
vLeft = vLeft.trim();
vRight = vRight.trim();
r = vLeft === vRight;
return !r ? this._collector.collectFailure(left, right) : r;
throw Error("Node type " + left.nodeType + " comparison is not implemented");
} else
return this._collector.collectFailure(left, right);
To fix this, a case for type.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE
should be added inside the switch
// can fall through I guess...
This will work as expected.
This issue is now fixed in Olegas/dom-compare. Could it be pulled back into the dom-compare-temp fork used in this project?
Would be really nice if this issue could be resolved.
i ended up using to patch this issue...