Angular-ASP.NetCoreWebAPI-MySQL-CRUD-project copied to clipboard
Angular 5 + ASP.Net Core 2.0 WebAPI + MySQL CRUD Sample
IdeaShare Angular-WebAPI project
This repository contains Web App built on Angular 5 that interacts with WebAPI which has MySQL database
Table of contents
- Demo
Getting Started
- Prerequisites
- Edit WebAPI config
- Code-first database migration
- Run project
Functionality Overview
- Features
- WebAPI documentation
- Page navigation
- Built With
- Roadmap
- Authors
- License
- SignUp email verification is limited to 100 emails per day due to free plan.
- Image uploading is restricted up to 500 KB
- Froala WYSIWYG is trial so the red alert stays above editor
Reminder for Russia citizens: Microsoft Azure is banned in Russia (use VPN)
Getting Started
- Node.js
- Angular CLI
- .NET Core Framework
Edit WebAPI config
Settings are located in appsettings.json. Change insert_here
to your own keys.
- ConnectionString
- JWT SecretKey
- Email/SendGridAPIKey how to create SendGrid?
Code-first database migration
Generate database dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
then dotnet ef database update
Run project
Run ASPNETCORE_Environment=Development dotnet run
to build project.
Functionality Overview
- Cross Platform
- CRUD operations
- Entity Framework Core MySQL
- JWT Authentication
- Swagger API documentation
- Responsive Design
WebAPI documentation
Online API documentation is located on /Swagger
Page navigation
Home ../
- article list with infinite scrolling
- the most popular tags
- user leaderboard
Dependencies ../dependencies
- static page
- information about used frameworks and third party libraries
Contacts ../contacts
- static page
Home ../
SignIn ../auth/signin
- store JWT token in localStorage
SignUp (/auth/signup)
- Email verification
SignIn ../auth/signin
Add new ../idea/new
- Auth guard (redirects if user is not logged)
- edit list of tags
- article editor WYSIWYG
Details ../idea/:id
- like/dislike button
- raw html render
- favorite button
- edit/restore button
- comments section
Search ../idea/search/:value
- search by value in title and article
Add new ../idea/new
User info ../profile/:username
- information about user
- list of favorited articles
- list of created articles
Settings ../settings
- edit avatar
- change username
User info ../profile/:username
Built With
- ASP.NET Core 2.0 WebAPI
- Angular 5
- [ ] Localization
- [ ] WebAPI.Tests
- [ ] Edit articles/comments
- [ ] Administrator dashboard
- Damir Shakenov - shakenovdev
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details