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:telephone: FonoApi - Mobile Device Description API

Results 37 fonoapi issues
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We are launching our api very soon ,if intersted check this url. ****. Free for developer and personal projects. Teksitus

C:\Users\test\Desktop\New folder (3)>composer require shakee93/fonoapi [InvalidArgumentException] Could not find a matching version of package shakee93/fonoapi. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a...

Why you update database slowly?

Hey there, this API could be so much better. Do not get me wrong. It's great, it's true ;) But the API would be more useable if the available data...


Just looked through this sweet API and it's almost perfect for what I need it for. I need an image of each phone though and if I can't get an...

Can you change the device option to optional for API parameters because If I want to get all the mobile phones for 'Samsung' I cannot get the list because of...

Hi, currently using your API on my little project. Can we have image for the device? Let me know help is necessary, I can volunteer. Cheers!