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Database maintenance

Open PierreMarieRiviere opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments

Great API, cannot find anything better out there. Big up to the author. Too bad the db is not updated every month.

Who is updating the database? Does the api author has plans to allow for more regular updates? entrusting 3rd parties maybe or at least allowing pull requests?

Also would be great to have a type property in the JSON (smartphone/tablet/watch etc) and even better have an updated status property.

This might be possible with community work...!

PierreMarieRiviere avatar Mar 03 '19 09:03 PierreMarieRiviere

vodnicearv avatar Jul 09 '20 16:07 vodnicearv

@PierreMarieRiviere TechSpecs API readily available for you and currently in private beta. Our product database is updated on a daily basis and has a type property in the JSON(smartphone/tablet/smartwatch/laptop)

You can join the waitlist here or try our search engine here (powered by our API)

realtechspecs avatar Oct 25 '21 17:10 realtechspecs