shaka-player copied to clipboard
This is a seekRange() question.
Have you read the Tutorials? yes
Have you read the FAQ and checked for duplicate open issues? yes
If the question is related to FairPlay, have you read the tutorial?
What version of Shaka Player are you using? 4.5.11
What browser and OS are you using? chrome Window
Please ask your question
I previously asked the above question regarding CMAF HLS live stream time difference reduction.
I've seen the potential to shorten the lag by adjusting the liveSegmentsDelay
option, but the buffer runs out quickly. The buffer was checked with the code below.
logBufferedInfo() {
const position = this.videoElement.currentTime;
let bufferedInfo = { total: 0, played: 0, left: 0 };
for (let i = 0; i < this.videoElement.buffered.length; i++) {
const start = this.videoElement.buffered.start(i);
const end = this.videoElement.buffered.end(i);
const duration = end - start;
if (start <= position && end > position) {
bufferedInfo.played += Math.max(0, position - start);
bufferedInfo.left += Math.max(0, end - position);
} else if (start > position) {
bufferedInfo.left += duration;
} else {
bufferedInfo.played += duration;
} += duration;
const leftFormatted = bufferedInfo.left.toFixed(3);
).innerHTML = `Buffer (left/played/total): ${leftFormatted}/${bufferedInfo.played.toFixed(
I have a question here.
Will playing the last segment when loading using the
API help reduce time lag? -
is set to less than 1.5, leftBuffer becomes 0.00 when playing for 2 to 3 minutes, resulting in buffering. Are the configure settings below the optimal settings? -
Will Shaka Player help reduce lag when #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:3 is reduced to 2? I would like to know the relationship between the player and the corresponding tag to shorten the time difference.
streaming: {
bufferingGoal: 30,
rebufferingGoal: 5,
lowLatencyMode: true,
startAtSegmentBoundary: true,
retryParameters: {
baseDelay: 1000,
timeout: 5000,
maxAttempts: 2,
manifest: {
hls: {
liveSegmentsDelay: 1.5,
retryParameters: {
baseDelay: 1000,
timeout: 5000,
maxAttempts: 2,
Can try with manifest.hls.useSafariBehaviorForLive = false
May I know why you recommended that option to me? Why disable Safari's way of finding Live Edge?
The way Sfari works is different, it doesn't let you search on a Live stream. In Shaka we have that functionality enabled by default. But if it is disabled we allow seek on a live stream.
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