``` # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python3 from threading import Thread import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import filedialog import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import base64, hashlib,...
Hello, me again. I have another question wich is similiar to this thread. Is there some way to speed up booting ? Currently is there 11s cca to first message......
Is there any tutorial how to build it and run it ? i have cloned it in addon folder, but i have same "denied" page, and i dont see OpenVPN...
interest here, too :) and interest for precompiled 4mhz bootloader
Hello, i have 13s pack. For now i have BMS password error, i will try balance cells and I see... but .. m365 tools show only 12cells. Is possible to...
hello, thank you for reply Yes i have correct connection. I shorted VC14-VC13 and VC9-VC8 like datasheet say.
hello, this is log from configtool ``` debug_print() b'55aa0322fa0500dbfe' >>> 0x00 SYS_STAT: 00000000 0x01 CELLBAL1: 00000000 0x04 SYS_CTRL1: 00011000 0x05 SYS_CTRL2: 01000011 0x06 PROTECT1: 00011101 0x07 PROTECT2: 01111001 0x08 PROTECT3...
i thought, as i say above... Thank you, i will charge pack. But what is problem that m365 tools show me only 12cells ? Thank you
Hello, if you look to DS, U4 is capable handling voltage from 13s. There is no problem to cut, but problem with 13s configuration is with breaking/recup. Accelerating is OK....