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Check for Vaccine availability in a district at specified intervals and sounds a loud alarm when a slot is available.

Vaccine Alarm

Check for Vaccine availability in a district at specified intervals and sounds a loud alarm when a slot ia available.

  • Vaccine Alarm
    • Usage
      • Install Dependencies
      • Run checker


Get your district ID here

Usage: [OPTIONS]

  Checks for Vaccine availablity in a district at specified intervals and
  sounds a loud alarm when a slot ia available.

  -id, --district-id INTEGER  District ID from Cowin API, Get your district ID
                              at  [required]

  -d, --delay INTEGER         Delay between each request (in seconds).
                              Default: 60 sec

  -l, --age-limit INTEGER     Minimum age limit, Eg. 18 will trigger only for
                              above 18. Default: 18

  -b, --blacklist INTEGER     Pincodes to exclude in your district, will not
                              trigger for these pincodes.

  -s, --min-seats INTEGER     Minimum number of seats to ensure for trigger.
                              Default: 1

  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.

Install Dependencies

pipenv install


pip install -r requirements.txt

Run checker

python src/