soundcloud-player icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
soundcloud-player copied to clipboard

🎶 A proof of concept SoundCloud player which uses public API's to play music in the browser.

Results 6 soundcloud-player issues
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Currently new songs can be played by copying the link of new songs from, but once the page is refreshed, it only shows the predefined three songs. So things...

Display user songs on playlist on refresh using localStorage. Added margin offset for playlist.

So right now [mySC.js]( includes both the code for (a) interacting with SoundCloud (getting info / playing actual song) and (b) interacting with our UI (managing the play / pause...

help wanted

Commit for part of issue #3 . No documentation or unit tests yet.

Instead of the user having to place an `` in their HTML webpage, have our `soundcloud-player.js` insert the iFrame into the page, along with its accompanying style. To be taken...