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PyTorch Implementation of Stacked U-Nets (SUNets)
Stacked U-Nets (SUNets)
This is a PyTorch implementation for training classification and semantic segmentation task using Stacked U-Nets models presented in the following paper (paper):
Sohil Shah, Pallabi Ghosh, Larry S. Davis and Tom Goldstein. Stacked U-Nets:A No-Frills Approach to Natural Image Segmentation.
If you use this code in your research, please cite our paper.
author = {Sohil Atul Shah and Pallabi Ghosh and Larry S. Davis and Tom Goldstein},
title = {Stacked U-Nets:A No-Frills Approach to Natural Image Segmentation},
journal = {arXiv:1804.10343},
year = {2018},
The source code and dataset are published under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. In general, you can use the code for any purpose with proper attribution. If you do something interesting with the code, we'll be happy to know. Feel free to contact us.
- Python 2.7
- Pytorch >= v0.2.0
- visdom >=1.0.1 (for loss and results visualization)
- tensorboard_logger
- Dataset(s) can be downloaded using the list of URLs provided here.
- Extract the zip / tar and modify the path appropriately in config.json
ImageNet Classification
To train the model :
python [-h] [--arch ARCH] [-j N] [--epochs N]
[--start-epoch N] [-b N] [--lr LR] [--momentum M]
[--weight-decay W] [--print-freq N] [--resume PATH]
[-e] [--pretrained] [--world-size WORLD_SIZE]
[--dist-url DIST_URL] [--dist-backend DIST_BACKEND]
[--id ID] [--tensorboard] [--manualSeed MANUALSEED]
DIR path to dataset
--arch, -a model architecture: alexnet | densenet121 |
densenet161 | densenet169 | densenet201 | inception_v3
| resnet101 | resnet152 | resnet18 | resnet34 |
resnet50 | squeezenet1_0 | squeezenet1_1 | vgg11 |
vgg11_bn | vgg13 | vgg13_bn | vgg16 | vgg16_bn | vgg19
| vgg19_bn | sunet64 | sunet128 | sunet7128 |
(default: sunet7128)
-j, --workers number of data loading workers (default: 8)
--epochs number of total epochs to run
--start-epoch manual epoch number (useful on restarts)
-b, --batch-size mini-batch size (default: 256)
--lr initial learning rate
--momentum momentum
--wd weight decay (default: 5e-4)
--print-freq, -p print frequency (default: 10)
--resume path to latest checkpoint (default: none)
-e, --evaluate evaluate model on validation set
--pretrained use pre-trained model
--id identifying number
--tensorboard Log progress to TensorBoard
--manualSeed manual seed
For example, one can start training on ImageNet data using
python /path/to/imagenet/ -a sunet7128 -b 256 --resume /path/to/checkpoint/ --manualSeed 0 --id $JOBID --tensorboard --lr 0.01 --epochs 100
To view the results:
Simply run
tensorboard --logdir logs/
Semantic Segmentation
To train the model :
python [-h] [--arch [ARCH]] [--model_path MODEL_PATH]
[--dataset [DATASET]] [--img_rows [IMG_ROWS]]
[--img_cols [IMG_COLS]] [--n_epoch [N_EPOCH]]
[--batch_size [BATCH_SIZE]] [--l_rate [L_RATE]]
[--manualSeed MANUALSEED] [--iter_size ITER_SIZE]
[--log_size LOG_SIZE] [--momentum [MOMENTUM]] [--wd [WD]]
[--optim [OPTIM]] [--ost [OST]] [--freeze] [--restore]
[--split [SPLIT]]
--arch Architecture to use ['sunet64, sunet128, sunet7128 etc']
--model_path Path to the saved model
--dataset Dataset to use ['sbd, coco, cityscapes etc']
--img_rows Height of the input image
--img_cols Width of the input image
--n_epoch # of the epochs
--batch_size Batch Size
--l_rate Learning Rate
--manualSeed manual seed
--iter_size number of batches per weight updates
--log_size iteration period of logging segmented images
--momentum Momentum for SGD
--wd Weight decay
--optim Optimizer to use ['SGD, Nesterov etc']
--ost Output stride to use ['32, 16, 8 etc']
--freeze Freeze BN params
--restore Restore Optimizer params
--split Sets to use ['train_aug, train, trainvalrare, trainval_aug, trainval etc']
For example, one can start fine-tuning on pascal VOC2012 data using
python --arch sunet7128 --dataset sbd --batch_size 22 --iter_size 1 --n_epoch 90 --l_rate 0.0002 --momentum 0.95 --wd 1e-4 --optim SGD --img_rows 512 --img_cols 512 --ost 16
To validate the model at multiple scales:
python [-h] [--arch [ARCH]] [--model_path [MODEL_PATH]]
[--dataset [DATASET]] [--img_rows [IMG_ROWS]]
[--img_cols [IMG_COLS]]
--arch Architecture to use ['sunet64, sunet128, sunet7128 etc']
--model_path Path to the saved model
--dataset Dataset to use ['sbd, cityscapes etc']
--img_rows Height of the Crop size
--img_cols Width of the Crop size
--ost Output stride to use ['32, 16, 8 etc']
For example, one can validate on pascal VOC2012 validation data using
python --arch sunet7128 --dataset sbd --model_path /path/to/checkpoint --img_rows 512 --img_cols 512 --ost 16
To evaluate the model on custom images(s):
python [-h] [--arch [ARCH]] [--model_path [MODEL_PATH]]
[--dataset [DATASET]] [--img_rows [IMG_ROWS]]
[--img_cols [IMG_COLS]] [--img_path [IMG_PATH]]
[--out_path [OUT_PATH]] [--coco [COCO]]
[--split SPLIT]
--img_path Path of the input image
--out_path Path of the output segmap. Arranged according to PASCAL server requirements.
--coco Trained with external data (coco) ?
--split val or test split
--ost Output stride to use ['32, 16, 8 etc']
For example, one can evaluate on pascal VOC2012 test data using
python --arch sunet7128 --dataset sbd --model_path /path/to/checkpoint --img_rows 512 --img_cols 512 --split val --img_path /path/to/images --out_path /path/to/output_folder --ost 16
To view the results:
Launch visdom by running (in a separate terminal window) and run
python -m visdom.server
python [--images]
The 'images' option will additionally display few validation images.
Parts of the code are inspired by the PyTorch implementation of semantic segmentation models by @meetshah1995 and @zijundeng.