flutter_tex copied to clipboard
TeXView adding extra bottom padding.
TeXview adding extra bottom padding.
Here is the sample code
onRenderFinished: (height) {
loadingWidgetBuilder: ((context) => Center(
child: CircularProgressContainer(
heightAndWidth: 40, useWhiteLoader: false))),
child: TeXViewDocument(
style: TeXViewStyle(
contentColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary,
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).backgroundColor,
sizeUnit: TeXViewSizeUnit.pixels,
textAlign: TeXViewTextAlign.center,
fontStyle: TeXViewFontStyle(fontSize: textSize.toInt() + 5)),

in my case, I think it was because of IndexedStack
in tex_view_mobile.dart.
So I custom it to Stack
This issue only occurs if i add loadingWidgetBuilder
@cikalT I haven't use indexed stack
@cikalT I haven't use indexed stack
it was added from default flutter_tex package. You can see it in the tex_view_mobile.dart
@cikalT ok let me check that
I'm having the same issue as well and I can't find the solution... Also, it seems that it's happening only when I close and reopen the app. but as soon as I setState again it gets normal(?!)
Version: flutter_tex: ^4.0.3+1
When I used below part the padding occurred. loadingWidgetBuilder: (context) => Center( child: const CupertinoActivityIndicator(), ),
But after I commented it Problem gone. You may solve your problem with removing it temporarily
Currently facing the same problem. In my case I am not even using loader widget it happens when I close and reopen the screen 😕