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CLRS study. Codes are written with golang.
CLRS study. Codes are written with golang.
go version: 1.11
- binaryTree
- B-Tree
- RS-vEB-Tree(Support single key multi value.Lazy hashtable is used to instead of array to reduce space complexity.Including Go Mixin design pattern)
- Disjoint-Set-Tree
Graph (including linkedMap, iterator)
- graph
- DFS(use stack)
- StronglyConnectedComponents
- BioConnectedComponents(vertex bcc & edge bcc, use stack)
- eulerCircuit
- mst(including Kruskal(disjointSet) , Prim(fibonacci heap), secondaryMst, mst reduce for Prim, linear time bottleneck spanning tree)
- Single-Source Shortest Path (including bellmanFord, SPFA, Dijkstra, Gabow )
- All-Pairs Shortest Path (including FloydWarshall, Johnson)
- Max Flow (including flowGraph , preFlowGraph and allowedGraph data structure, Edmondes Karp, Push Relabel, Relabel to Front, Bipartite Graph Max Match and Hopcraft-Karp)
HashMap(Support UpScale and DownScale)
DynamicProgramming (Including OOP pattern of golang)