logseq-inbox-telegram-plugin copied to clipboard
I have a comprehension question about the plugin
I have a comprehension question about the plugin. If I use
curl -X POST 'https://api.telegram.org/bot12345678_-122379239823989872398/sendMessage?chat_id=-201010101010text=Uhrzeit 16:22'
(Bot identifier and id exchanged. )
send a message to my boat. Should this message then also appear in Logseq? The message does appear in my chat. But it is not read by logseq. If I then forward it to the chat in Chat, it appears in logseq!
Is that correct? Shouldn't a message that I send to the bot also appear in my inbox?
Do you added your bot in group? If yes, then you should try:
- Write BotFather /setprivacy command and set it to DISABLED
strange. I have the bot in the group "lower" and "setprivacy disabled" . I
f i send messages with
curl -X POST 'https://api.telegram.org/bot12345678_-122379239823989872398/sendMessage?chat_id=-201010101010text=Uhrzeit 16:22'
(Bot identifier and id exchanged. )
they appear in the sink group, but are not transferred to logsek. If I then send the messages again in the lower group to the lower group, they appear in logseq. Any ideas ?
What is "sink" group? You need to create group and add bot in it with 'setprivacy' disabled option.
That is strange. It didn't work for me. I have now solved the problem by setting up another new bot that also belongs to the group. When I send messages to this bot, they are trasnfered to logseq . This is a viable solution for me.