The GH for the two new versions mentioned is:
On an A100, it is running. It is possible that the needs of upstream dependencies and other factors are now so much greater than late 2022 that it is no...
> You don't have to cache the latents, the huggingface doesn't have that option. In this fork you can disable it by adding --not_cache_latents. What are the consequences of...
Can confirm this from a model trained today.
> Yesterday's repo is what I am using, but it doesn't function like yesterday, because the trained model gets saved into sub-folders in the stated trained directory. One is called...
> May be wrong sub folder is being used for ckpt conversion. Can u verify the latest steps are being used ? Correct folder is being used. The backend code...
> There is a next cell after training which assigns the WEIGHTS_DIR variable with the latest weights path. Max steps one. Okay. Might be worth including some text to explain...