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Add `as` to DropdownMenuItem

Open zwhitchcox opened this issue 6 months ago • 3 comments

So, I've altered the code for DropdownMenuItem to support as, e.g.:

    <DropdownMenuItem as={Link} to="/account">

This allows you to replace the DropdownMenuPrimitive.Item with your own custom component if desired, like in the above code.

This is the code I replaced it with, and if it's desirable, I can make a PR for others to use:

type As = React.ElementType

 * Extract the props of a React element or component
type PropsOf<T extends As> = React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T> & {
  as?: As

type OmitCommonProps<
  OmitAdditionalProps extends keyof any = never,
> = Omit<

type RightJoinProps<
  SourceProps extends object = {},
  OverrideProps extends object = {},
> = OmitCommonProps<SourceProps, keyof OverrideProps> & OverrideProps

type MergeWithAs<
  ComponentProps extends object,
  AsProps extends object,
  AdditionalProps extends object = {},
  AsComponent extends As = As,
> = (
  | RightJoinProps<ComponentProps, AdditionalProps>
  | RightJoinProps<AsProps, AdditionalProps>
) & {
  as?: AsComponent

type ComponentWithAs<Component extends As, Props extends object = {}> = {
  <AsComponent extends As = Component>(
    props: MergeWithAs<
  ): JSX.Element

  displayName?: string
  propTypes?: React.WeakValidationMap<any>
  contextTypes?: React.ValidationMap<any>
  defaultProps?: Partial<any>
  id?: string

function forwardRef<Props extends object, Component extends As>(
  component: React.ForwardRefRenderFunction<
    RightJoinProps<PropsOf<Component>, Props> & {
      as?: As
) {
  return React.forwardRef(component) as unknown as ComponentWithAs<

const DropdownMenuItem: ComponentWithAs<typeof DropdownMenuPrimitive.Item, { inset?: boolean }> = forwardRef(
  ({ as: AsComponent = DropdownMenuPrimitive.Item, className, inset, ...props }, ref) => {
    return (
          "relative flex cursor-default select-none items-center rounded-sm px-2 py-1.5 text-sm outline-none transition-colors focus:bg-accent focus:text-accent-foreground data-[disabled]:pointer-events-none data-[disabled]:opacity-50",
          inset && "pl-8",
DropdownMenuItem.displayName = 'DropdownMenuItem';

This is mostly shamelessly stolen from chakra (who in turn, shamelessly stole it themselves, and it's turtles all the way down).

zwhitchcox avatar Dec 28 '23 02:12 zwhitchcox


KhafraDev avatar Oct 22 '23 00:10 KhafraDev

Started doing some research about, and bug is in fact quite complex; it seems that somewhere we are reusing a request instance that was already aborted to handle a second request. Haven't found the root cause yet. I'll made more research later on

metcoder95 avatar Oct 22 '23 11:10 metcoder95

The repro SukkaW provided still reproduces even with Pipelining disabled, maybe this issue should be re-titled?

Trying to swap to undici in our software, I'm able to get this stack trace, we only issue one request to a dummy /debug/stream endpoint which pushes one sse per second and abort it after a few seconds.

but we receive exactly one more chunk afterwards, resulting in this assertion failure

[10/25/2023, 6:25:20 PM] [PLATFORM_FETCH] Sending GET: https://localhost:8020/debug/stream undefined (GET /debug/stream YR+xTDLhXJa6jIE13bX3WWaFzDQx) 
undici init path /debug/stream
undici SUCCESS connected {"host":"localhost:8020","hostname":"localhost","protocol":"https:","port":"8020","servername":null,"localAddress":null}
(node:3957036) [UNDICI-H2] Warning: H2 support is experimental, expect them to change at any time.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
[10/25/2023, 6:25:20 PM] [PLATFORM_FETCH] Started response (200) for request GET (https://localhost:8020/debug/stream) undefined (GET /debug/stream YR+xTDLhXJa6jIE13bX3WWaFzDQx) 
data from in  client /debug/stream <Buffer 7b 22 30 22 3a 22 31 36 39 38 32 37 32 37 32 31 34 39 34 22 7d 0a 0a>
data from in  client /debug/stream <Buffer 7b 22 31 22 3a 22 31 36 39 38 32 37 32 37 32 32 34 39 34 22 7d 0a 0a>
data from in  client /debug/stream <Buffer 7b 22 32 22 3a 22 31 36 39 38 32 37 32 37 32 33 34 39 35 22 7d 0a 0a>
undici request error This operation was aborted /debug/stream
[10/25/2023, 6:25:24 PM] [PLATFORM_FETCH] Finished response (closed stream via abort controller) for request (GET https://localhost:8020/debug/stream YR+xTDLhXJa6jIE13bX3WWaFzDQx)
data from in  client /debug/stream <Buffer 7b 22 33 22 3a 22 31 36 39 38 32 37 32 37 32 34 34 39 34 22 7d 0a 0a>
Trace: Aborted! /debug/stream <Buffer 7b 22 33 22 3a 22 31 36 39 38 32 37 32 37 32 34 34 39 34 22 7d 0a 0a>

  process.nextTick(() => { throw err; });

AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:


    at Request2.onData (/nix/store/wvxs5i3mvh1lbvay44i13d24yy9rn95k-esbuild_node/depengine_worker.js:4815:9)
    at ClientHttp2Stream.<anonymous> (/nix/store/wvxs5i3mvh1lbvay44i13d24yy9rn95k-esbuild_node/depengine_worker.js:7177:21)
    at ClientHttp2Stream.emit (node:events:527:28)
    at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:324:12)
    at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:297:9)
    at ClientHttp2Stream.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:234:10)
    at Http2Stream.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)
Emitted 'error' event on Worker instance at:
    at Worker.[kOnErrorMessage] (node:internal/worker:289:10)
    at Worker.[kOnMessage] (node:internal/worker:300:37)
    at MessagePort.<anonymous> (node:internal/worker:201:57)
    at MessagePort.[nodejs.internal.kHybridDispatch] (node:internal/event_target:643:20)
    at MessagePort.exports.emitMessage (node:internal/per_context/messageport:23:28)

Node.js v17.9.0

jackschu avatar Oct 25 '23 22:10 jackschu