mathematica-tmbundle copied to clipboard
A TextMate bundle for Mathematica package files.
h2. Mathematica Textmate Bundle
TextMate is a popular text editor for Mac OS X. For more information about the editor, visit "Macromates":, the author's web site.
Mathematica is a computational software program used in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields and other areas of technical computing. It is created by "Wolfram Research":
This bundle allows TextMate to understand Mathematica .m files.
It was created by David Howell and is being maintained by David Howell and Shad Sharma.
Special thanks to Eric Wort whose invaluable help has saved this developer countless hours of random debugging.
Also, many thanks to Stephan (stschiff), our newest contributor!
h3. Installation
Open up a terminal and navigate to the TextMate bundle folder: @$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles@ NOTE: You may need to create this folder first.
Clone the bundle's repository using git: @$ git clone Mathematica.tmbundle@
By default, TextMate interprets .m files as Objective-C. You will have to switch the language to Mathematica in order to activate the bundle.
h3. Stuff That Works
This TextMate bundle is a side project for us and still has a far way to go. It is, however, being actively developed.
h4. Language Features
- Operators (there are a lot!)
- Constants (@True, False, Null, Automatic, All@)
- Comments (@(* This is a comment *)@)
- Lists (@{a, b, c}@)
- Parts (@[[1, 2]]@)
- Some function calls (@FunctionName[..]@)
- Strings (@"Hello World!"@)
- Symbols (@thisIsASymbol@)
- Named patterns (@x_@)
- Indentation rules (added by stschiff)
h4. Snippets
- SetDelayed (Shift+Enter)
- Module (module ->|)
- BeginPackage (package ->|)
- Begin ...
(begin ->|) - Do (do ->|)
- For (for ->|)
- If/Condition/True, If/Condition/True/False, If/Condition/True/False/Otherwise (if ->|)
- Map (map ->|)
- Select (select ->|)
- While (while ->|)
h4. Other (Commands, Indentation, etc.)
Documentation for Current Word (control + H)
Block comments (command + /)
Reformat current statement / selection (control + Q)
Reformat current document (control + shift + Q)
Preview current statement / selection in tool tip (control + shift + enter)
Command completion (option + escape)
Execute current statement / selection (shift + enter)
Execute current document (command + R)
Reset session and execute current document (command + shift + R)
Toggle display of execution times on and off
Toogle HTML output between "normal" and "pre"
Toggle auto scroll on and off
Toggles are saved using Mac OS X "defaults" under com.wolfram.mathmate namespace
Clear mathmate session (command + option + .)
Quit mathmate kernel (command + control + .)
- If Mathematica crashes, an exception will be displayed in the MathMate output as follows: Connected MathLink program has closed the link, but there might still be data underway. At this point, you should use this command to restart the kernel (you will lose previous kernel state).
Shutdown mathmate backend (command + shift + control + .)
Kill mathmate backend -- in case it freezes (command + option + shift + .)