Scot Hacker
Scot Hacker
To be clear on my goal here: If I can successfully call django_cas_ng's logout() function, it should handle the redirect. But I can't call it, just as I can't call...
We're going to to take another approach to this and not use django-session-security, but thanks for your time. I'm still curious about the solution to this if anyone is able...
This issue comes up when you `select *` and are doing a join on a common column name - very straightforward use case. Seems like the only way around it...
Thanks @roharvey . I can confirm that adding this in my django settings allows django-q to work with python3.8 on Mac OS, thank you! I guess the question for django-q...
Since pretty much all devs will encounter this, it would be nice if django-recaptcha could build this exception handling in. Thanks for the workaround @qcaron .
Thanks andreaslucena - Yes, Kronuz's fork works.
Aha! Excellent information, thanks. This might be a useful mention in the docs (though I understand it doesn't make sense to mention it in many places). Thanks!
@nightpool Those were fascinating reads, thank you. So the issue is much larger than just Flickr embeds - it's a matter of what system(s) or compromises Mastodon wants to make...
@dblock Correct - I mentioned that in my bug report. I'm saying that 404 is an incorrect response for an unsupported feature, that's all. Cheers.
@dblock 404 is for a resource (record or file) that doesn't exist, like a non-existent index name. I think calling a method that's unsupported should be 405, "Method not allowed."