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Portfolio copied to clipboard

👤 Automatically generate and deploy a beautiful, responsive, static-site to display your GitHub projects.

Automatically generate a beautiful, responsive site to display your GitHub projects.
Live demo at shaansubbaiah.github.io
If you find Portfolio useful, make sure to 🌟 the repository!


  • Responsive
  • Dark Mode
  • Customizable colors, no. of repos, social, links, etc
  • Supports displaying repository social preview images
  • Display GitHub profile README.md
  • (TODO) GitHub Gists support using iframe embeds
  • (TODO) Blurry/Frosted glass styled repo cards

Getting Started


  1. Download and extract the latest release

  2. Install dependencies

npm install
  1. Run Portfolio
node portfolio.js
  1. Set the Github token, edit the config and then build!

See Configuration

A token can be created at https://github.com/settings/tokens/new

Make sure you have selected atleast public_repo, read:user permissions while creating the token!

Done! Copy contents in the dist folder to your github pages repository. Eg. your-username.github.io


username: String - your Github username

repos: Integer - number of repositories to display, MAX 100

avatar: String - path(local/remote) to an image for the avatar and favicon. If not specified, uses your GitHub avatar.

linkedinURL: String - your LinkedIn profile link. Set to null in config.json to disable it / press enter while setting it up.

twitterId: String - your Twitter profile id. Set to null in config.json to disable it / press enter while setting it up. (Portfolio will automatically get your Twitter ID if you have added it to your GitHub profile)

gitlabId: String - your GitLab profile id. Set to null in config.json to disable it / press enter while setting it up.

navLinks: Object Array - adds navigation links at the top. DON'T EXCEED 3

name: String - Text to display
link: String - URL the text links to

infoLinks: Object Array - adds additional links in the information section.

name: String - Text to display
link: String - URL the text links to

socialPreviewImage: String - displays repo's social preview image in the card. To enable, set value = "enabled".





Dev Portfolio


MIT Copyright (c) 2020 Shaan Subbaiah