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Arduino Uno based graphical SWR HF/VHF 160-1.25m bands antenna analyzer, plotter based on Si5351 module
Arduino graphical/panoramic SWR 160 to 1.25m band antenna analyzer based on Si5351 module.
Influenced by
Output power from si5351 is around 10dBm (10mW).
Analyzer demonstrated quite valid results compared to factory built and calibrated devices.
Note, that it is not a complete VNA, it is based on resistive reflectometer and does not measure complex part of impedance.
Arudino Antenna Analyzer
Arudino based antenna swr analyzer / plotter can be used to measure antenna SWR from 160m band up to 1.25m. The limit from Etherkit Si5351 library is 225MHz.
Next peripherals are in use:
- Nokia 5110 screen, PCD8544 -
- Si5351 clock generator -
- Reflectometer/VSWR Bridge as per
- Rotary encoder
- You will also need a set of low pass filters to get sine wave at desired bands as si5351 is a clock generator
- Rotary encoder library modified fork -
- Simple Timer library -
- Adafruit PCD8544 (from Arduino library)-
- Adafruit GFX (from Arduino library) -
- Etherkit Si5351 (version 2+ from Arduino library) -
Supported operations:
- Details screen - shows various numeric parameters, such as forward/reflected signals, current frequency/band. By rotating rotary encoder user can change the frequency. By short press - change the band, by long press go to next screen.
- Real time graph screen - shows partially updated SWR plot, plot is updated while user is changing the frequency using encoder, plot is shifted left or right depending on frequency change direction.
- Frequency sweep screen - shows complete SWR plot, which is updated approximately every second.
- Frequency step change screen - enables user to change frequency step, which affects both rotary encoder changes and sweep screen.