Sam Gwilym

Results 60 comments of Sam Gwilym

Earthstar still needs efficient sync. I've got an idea for a new method, and first it's worth revisiting how we thought we could solve this issue: Cinnamon was developing a...

> Should this transmission occur over streams or some paginated back-and-forth, like what happens when the docs themselves are passed? Or am I overthinking it? You're not overthinking it: messages...

I've also been doing my research, and am wondering whether this is worth exploring some other (funded) time. I _think_ merkle trees do not work for Earthstar as Earthstar shares...

Before leaving on holiday, I had a call with @AljoschaMeyer to talk about using their range-based set reconciliation method with Earthstar. Long story short, we can do it! We also...

Very happy to have your guidance here @AljoschaMeyer! I think I muddied the waters with the casual introduction of new phrasing. - I’ll keep using your thesis’ term of fingerprint...

Thank you for these pointers! Some of them seem like they won't be difficult to apply. Glad you were able to optimise in the meantime. I've had to do similar...

I've made optimisations 1, 3, and 4, and seen a test which ingests 8000 documents into a memory replica go from 42 seconds to 2 seconds. Optimising `getLatestDocAtPath` and `getAllDocsAtPath`...

The thing about not specifying order not ordering anything would be a breaking change. Right now when no order is provided, it falls back to `path ASC`. There is a...

Maybe it's worth looking at what invitations and onboardings to digital spaces currently look like, discussing what we like and dislike about them, and using any ideas from that to...

@cblgh just added an interesting fetaure to cabal-client: and it made me wonder if there's a way to do expiring invitations with ephemeral docs: 🥐 wants to invite 🍄...