a-PyTorch-Tutorial-to-Image-Captioning copied to clipboard
thanks for your wonderful project. i download your pretrained model and the corresponding word_map.but i meet some prombles. when i running python caption.py --img='f:\surf.jpeg' --model='f:/BEST_checkpoint_coco_5_cap_per_img_5_min_word_freq.pth.tar' --word_map='WORDMAP_coco_5_cap_per_img_5_min_word_freq.json' --beam_size=5 the following error occurred,OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: "'f:/BEST_checkpoint_coco_5_cap_per_img_5_min_word_freq.pth.tar'" what should i do?
I met the same issue, too. I wanna know whether you have resolved this problem.
same issue..
Do not add ' ' to the path name.