
Results 36 comments of sgon00

@abhayhegde It's pretty easy to find out. I am trying this plugin today and found this issue. You can simply `which instant-markdown-d` to find out where is your installation. and...

My two issues are closed as duplicated and merged in this issue: But when I read this issue's description proposal, I feel they are not really talking about...

@ychin thank you very much for your reply. By following your instructions, I found the problem, although that is not the same as what you thought. The problem is nothing...

@caclark Thanks a lot for the reply. If you think hiding windows can be supported in the future, you can leave this issue open as a feature request. If not,...

> themes can be applied on a per-application basis by launching them e.g. GTK_THEME=Adwaita-dark geeqie @caclark I have tried it, it didn't work on most of apps including geeqie. By...

Hi, I am new to ubuntu touch and have never used any linux OS on phones before. I found this issue by googling "ubuntu touch luks". Any updates on this...

@flexiondotorg thanks a lot for the reply. I am not sure how to debug `qemu`. I can see the popup screen shows the text `Guest has not initialized the display...

I found two UIs to create a new playlist in SmartTubeNext. But none of them works.

I fixed the problem by executing ``` sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/pamusb-check ``` I figured it out by myself. I can not find any useful help online. Hopefully, this will help...