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JMeter HTML report generator based on JAMON

JMeter SLA Report

1. Introduction

The 'jmeter-sla-report' is a replacement for the existing XSLT-based reporting backend when running JMeter from the command line to solve the following problems

  • Using XSLT does not scale for large JTL files therefore a StAX parser is used
  • Merge multiple JTL files into one report when multiple JMeter instances are used
  • Often you are interested in the distribution of the response time using a logarithmic scale
  • Adding a generic way to capture the JMeter configuration data
  • Group error messages in the SLA report

This component was created when testing a large application using JMeter (see

2. Getting Started

In order to generate your first JMeter SLA reports run the following commands

> ant

> ls -l target/report-*.html
-rw-r--r--  1 sgoeschl  staff   11541 Apr 21 20:52 target/report-csv-success.html
-rw-r--r--  1 sgoeschl  staff   69738 Apr 21 20:52 target/report-xml-failure.html
-rw-r--r--  1 sgoeschl  staff  110686 Apr 21 20:52 target/report-xml-success.html

This uses dist/jmeter-sla-report-1.0.5.jar and generates three SLA reports using

  • JMeter JTL files (having a xml extension)
  • JMeter CSV file (having a csv extension)

whereas the following JMeter SLA reports are generated

  • ./target/report-xml-success.html
  • ./target/report-csv-success.html
  • ./target/report-xml-failure.html

Afterwards you see a report similar to the image below

JMeter HTML Report

3. ANT Integration

The following snippet is used to generate the JMeter SLA report

<!-- setup the class path to run the report -->
<path id="project.class.path">
    <fileset dir="${basedir}/lib">
        <include name="*.jar" />
    <fileset dir="${basedir}/dist">
        <include name="jmeter-sla-report-1.0.5.jar" />

<target name="report-xml-success" description="Report with XML JMeter file">
    <mkdir dir="${}" />
    <java classname="" classpathref="project.class.path">
        <arg value="${}/report-xml-success.html" />
        <arg value="${basedir}/src/test/data/success.jtl" />
        <sysproperty key="jmeter.something" value="report-xml-success" />

Let's dissect the ANT calls

  • setting up an Ant path variable to pull in all required libraries
  • invoking to generate a report which requires two parameters
    • the HTML report file to be generated
    • one or more JTL files written by JMeter
  • the remaining "sysproperty" entries prefixed with "jmeter" are added to the reporting section - any system property prefixed with "jmeter" is added to the report automatically so can determine the configuration used to run JMeter (or add any other relevant information)

4. Command Line Integration

Create a JMeter SLA Report based on jmeter.jtl file

java -jar ./dist/jmeter-sla-report-1.0.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar report.html src/test/data/success.jtl

Create a JMeter SLA Report based on one or more JTL files found in the given directory

java -jar ./dist/jmeter-sla-report-1.0.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar report.html ./src/test/data

5. The Implementation

A quick overview of the implementation

  • The JMeter is parsed
    • In case of a JTL file it is parsed using a StaX parser which extracts one 'httpSample' after another
    • In case of CSV the Apache commons-csv library is used
  • The 'httpSample' is used to feed JAMon (see which calculates the SLA related data
  • When the parsing is finished all the data is pulled from JAMon and written to HTML file with embedded CSS

6. Current State

  • Tried to contribute it to Apache JMeter to no avail
  • Dumped it on GitHub since this is a much better place than my local hard disk
  • Collected a few patches from the Vienna Hackergarden (thanks a lot)
  • Licenced under ASL 2.0
  • Feel free to use and/or contribute