reactivemongo-tailablecursor-demo copied to clipboard
Tailable Cursors through WebSockets with ReactiveMongo and Play 2.0
Tailable Cursors through WebSockets with ReactiveMongo and Play 2
ReactiveMongo allows to enumerate a MongoDB cursor in a non-blocking and asynchronous way.
This demo shows how to stream the documents that are inserted into a capped collection through a WebSocket, using the ReactiveMongo Play Plugin. It demonstrates the following features:
- Tailable Cursors with ReactiveMongo
- Creating capped collections
- Cursor Enumerators
- Non-blocking I/O
- Integration with Play JSON library (included in the Play ReactiveMongo Plugin)
- Integration of ReactiveMongo with Play 2 WebSocket API.
When run, this sample allows to submit new documents via a WebSocket and inserts them into the Capped Collection. This Capped Collection is enumerated through the same Websocket, so any new document is eventually sent back to the client.
def watchCollection = WebSocket.using[JsValue] { request =>
val collection = db.collection[JSONCollection]("acappedcollection")
// Inserts the received messages into the capped collection
val in = Iteratee.flatten( => Iteratee.foreach[JsValue] { json =>
println("received " + json)
// Enumerates the capped collection
val out = {
val futureEnumerator = { collection =>
// so we are sure that the collection exists and is a capped one
val cursor: Cursor[JsValue] = collection
// we want all the documents
// the cursor must be tailable and await data
// ok, let's enumerate it
// We're done!
(in, out)
Get the complete example and run it! It uses Play 2.1, ReactiveMongo master and Play ReactiveMongo Plugin.