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Make Range slider draggable
Hi! How can I make slider draggable like below? I tried to create custom mode but no luck.
Hi @sghall . Is there any plan to add this feature? Thanks
Did you ever find a solution? Getting refs and calculating things on your own is possible but yucky.
@agusterodin No I didn't. I used rc-slider.
Ha that is funny, we just switched off of rc-slider. I love that this library is headless and works really well with utility-first css.
@agusterodin Lol yeah actually I don't like rc-slider. It has a lot of bugs. But unfortunately for drag functionality I had to switch because I don't have time to write it myself for this one.
You can achieve it using the react-use-gesture library. Works perfectly:
const trackDragHandler = useDrag(({ initial: [initialX], xy: [currentX], memo }) => {
const initialRange = memo || playbackRange
if (!playbackStarted && containerRef.current && initialRange) {
const { left: sliderLeft, width: sliderWidth } = containerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect()
const initialClickOffsetLeft = initialX - sliderLeft
const currentMousePositionOffsetLeft = currentX - sliderLeft
const initialPercentageWithinContainer = initialClickOffsetLeft / sliderWidth
const currentPercentageWithinContainer = currentMousePositionOffsetLeft / sliderWidth
const initialStep = TIMELINE_SELECTION_RANGE * initialPercentageWithinContainer
const currentStep = TIMELINE_SELECTION_RANGE * currentPercentageWithinContainer
const initialToCurrentStepDelta = currentStep - initialStep
dispatch(setTimelinePlaybackRange([initialRange[0] + initialToCurrentStepDelta, initialRange[1] + initialToCurrentStepDelta]))
return initialRange
Had anyone has an draggable implementation?