I'm also seeing occasional small drops in "Total" energy at midnight, on some devices, including one with a very stable consumption pattern, without the total being over the about 7...
With Default TelePeriod of 5 minutes, you'd not see a fall in first payload after midnight, if consumption since midnight is more than the lost decimals. I suppose that you'd...
What I gather is that the internal "Total" value always only has 3 decimals (1 Wh resolution), and when the "Total" value appearing in TelePeriod payloads can have more than...
What you post looks like Tasmtoa working correctly as designed. The thing is that ON/OFF for a Switch input is unrelated to what you think of as the physical switch...
Unstale, builds still failing
Any hope of getting this feature refactored to match the API change?
I was trying to get I2S audio to work with small 8Ω speaker connected to a board having a MAX98357A. Configured the I2S gpios for BCLK, WS and DOUT to...
Did a small test getting a WebRadio MP3 stream to play. Got a few seconds of garbled sound first, but then normal audio. Next step was interrupting it with the...