Virtual-Reality-Drone icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Virtual-Reality-Drone copied to clipboard

Virutal Reality with the AR Drone 2.0


Virtual Reality with the AR Drone 2.0

The goal of this project is to broadcast an AR Drone 2.0's video feed onto a Google Cardboard to create an "immersive experience" for the user.

Included Components

  • App -- The neccessary components for getting drone feed into Google Cardboard Format

  • Video -- The neccessary components to broadcast the drone's video feed onto the computer's localhost

  • PS3 -- The neccessary components to control the drone with a PS3 dualshock controller

Neccessary Hardware/Software

  • "Duet" iOS and Mac OSX App
  • A.R. Drone 2.0
  • PS3 dualshock wireless controller
  • Google Cardboard VR Headset
  • iPhone + lightning cable (to go inside the Google Cardboard)
  • MacBookPro


  • Download all source files
  • Connect to the drone's wifi network
  • Navigate into video file and commence with npm start (make sure to do npm install while connected to the world wide web first!)
  • Go to desired browser and access your localhost
  • Make sure your video feed is showing up
  • Go back to the terminal and type ifconfig en0 to get your ip address
  • Navigate to the xcode app and replace the ip address provided with yours
  • Start the Xcode app and the video feed should appear with Google Cardboard format
  • Go back to the terminal, navigate into the ps3 file
  • Connect the ps3 to your computer's bluetooth
  • Type 'npm start' in the terminal
  • Connect your iPhone to your Mac using the lighning cable and make sure it mirrors using the "Duet" app
  • Fire up the Xcode simulator and zoom in so its full screen on your computer
  • On the iPhone, the video from the drone should appear to be full screen and in Google Cardboard Format (it is mirroring the laptop)
  • Place the iPhone into the Google Cardboard and wear it
  • Press the Triangle on the ps3 controller and your drone should take off
  • You will now be "immersed" in the world of the drone!

Made @ MenloHacks 2016!!!