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Access Google Analytics reports via the command-line or node module
Direct access to your Google Analytics reports on the command-line and within node.
To use the module you will need a Google Service Account connected to Google Analytics. You will need these pieces of information:
- Google Client id (screenshot)
- Google Services Email (screenshot)
- Google Service Account private key (path to .pem file)
- Google Analytics table/view (screenshot)
See Google's Dimensions & Metrics Reference and take a look at some of the examples below to get started.
$ ga-analytics -m ga:users,ga:sessions -d ga:pagePath,ga:pageTitle
│ pagePath (STRING) │ pageTitle (STRING) │ users (INTEGER) │ sessions (INTEGER) │
│ / │ My Main Page │ 35 │ 60 │
│ /internal-page/ │ My internal Page │ 12 │ 1 │
Total users: 47
Total sessions: 61
This module requires a Google Service Account connected to your GA account.
Creating a Service Account
- Visit the Google Developer Console
- Click APIs and enabled Analytics API
- Click credentials
- Create new client ID
- Create a service account
Incorperate service account.
After you create a service account you should recieve a .p12 file. Convert the .p12 (key and certificate in one) to an ascii formatted .pem which can be read as text. Use this command:
$ openssl pkcs12 -in *.p12 -out google-services-private-key.pem -nodes -clcerts
The password is always "notasecret"
Authorize your service account for Google Analytics
- Access Google Analytics and click Admin
- Click on "User Management", add your google service email with read permissions
$ npm install ga-analytics -g
$ ga-analytics --help
Usage: ga-analytics [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
--client-id [clientid] OAuth client id. Can be omitted if the GOOGLEAPI_CLIENTID environment variable is set.
--service-email [email] Google Service Account Email. Can be omitted if the GOOGLEAPI_EMAIL environment variable is set.
--key [path_to_key] Path to Service Account private key. Can be omitted if the GOOGLEAPI_KEY environment variable is set.
--ids [ids] Google Analytics view (profile). Can be omitted if the GOOGLEAPI_ANALYTICS_TABLE environment variable is set.
-s, --start-date [start-date] Start Date (2010-01-01). Defaults to one month ago
-e, --end-date [end_date] End Date (2010-01-15). Defaults to one month after start date.
-m, --metrics [metric] Metric, gs:sessions by default
-d, --dimensions [dimension] Dimension (ga:source,ga:keyword)
-s, --sort [sort] Sort (-ga:sessions,source)
-f, --filter [filter] Filter (ga:medium==organic)
--max [num] Define the max amount of results
--json Show entire JSON output rather than formatted results.
$ export GOOGLEAPI_CLIENTID="******"
$ export GOOGLEAPI_EMAIL="*****"
$ export GOOGLEAPI_KEY="/path/to/google-services.pem"
$ export GOOGLEAPI_ANALYTICS_TABLE="ga:12345678"
$ ga-analytics
│ sessions (INTEGER) │
│ 83 │
Total sessions: 83
$ ga-analytics -d ga:pagePath
│ pagePath (STRING) │ sessions (INTEGER) │
│ / │ 63 │
│ /aronson/ │ 2 │
│ /furtherreading/ │ 4 │
│ /furtherreading/index.html │ 0 │
│ /history/ │ 1 │
│ /index.html │ 9 │
│ /jigsawbuttontest/ │ 3 │
│ /tips/ │ 1 │
Total sessions: 83
$ ga-analytics -d ga:pagePath -m ga:users,ga:sessions
│ pagePath (STRING) │ users (INTEGER) │ sessions (INTEGER) │
│ / │ 25 │ 64 │
│ /aronson/ │ 3 │ 2 │
│ /furtherreading/ │ 14 │ 4 │
│ /furtherreading/index.html │ 3 │ 0 │
│ /history/ │ 12 │ 1 │
│ /index.html │ 12 │ 9 │
│ /jigsawbuttontest/ │ 3 │ 3 │
│ /tips/ │ 12 │ 1 │
Total users: 84
Total sessions: 84
$ ga-analytics -d ga:pagePath -m ga:users,ga:sessions -s 2014-11-18 -e 2014-11-22
│ pagePath (STRING) │ users (INTEGER) │ sessions (INTEGER) │
│ / │ 23 │ 46 │
│ /furtherreading/ │ 13 │ 4 │
│ /furtherreading/index.html │ 1 │ 0 │
│ /history/ │ 9 │ 1 │
│ /index.html │ 11 │ 8 │
│ /jigsawbuttontest/ │ 3 │ 3 │
│ /tips/ │ 11 │ 1 │
Total users: 71
Total sessions: 63
Node Module
var gaAnalytics = require("ga-analytics");
metrics: "ga:users",
clientId: "******",
serviceEmail: "*****",
key: "/path/to/google-services.pem",
ids: "ga:12345678"
}, function(err, res) {
if(err) throw err;
{ kind: 'analytics#gaData',
id: '*******&metrics=ga:users&start-date=2014-10-21&end-date=2014-11-21',
{ 'start-date': '2014-10-21',
'end-date': '2014-11-21',
ids: 'ga:93873080',
metrics: [ 'ga:users' ],
'start-index': 1,
'max-results': 1000 },
itemsPerPage: 1000,
totalResults: 1,
selfLink: '******&metrics=ga:users&start-date=2014-10-21&end-date=2014-11-21',
{ profileId: '*****',
accountId: '****',
webPropertyId: 'UA-******-*',
internalWebPropertyId: '90277455',
profileName: 'All Web Site Data',
tableId: 'ga:93873080' },
containsSampledData: false,
columnHeaders: [ { name: 'ga:users', columnType: 'METRIC', dataType: 'INTEGER' } ],
totalsForAllResults: { 'ga:users': '33' },
rows: [ [ '33' ] ] }