homebridge-camera-ui copied to clipboard
Video recording failure
Dear seydx. Thank you for the great plugin you have provided for us. Unfortunately I have a small problem which I can't solve myself and hope you can help me. I use your plugin for my homebridge for my two Foscam FI9928p. On my Ipad I use splitscreen, that means one half homekit and the other half the homecam from pearce. Everything works fine, but after a few hours the picture stays black. I then have to close the app and open it again so that I can see live video again. The Foscam cameras are connected to my Fritzbox via wifi. The signal strength is very good. Maybe it's because of my Homebridge settings? Hope you have some advice for me. Thanks
{ "name": "CameraUI", "port": 8081, "atHomeSwitch": false, "logLevel": "info", "mqtt": { "active": false, "tls": false, "port": 1883 }, "http": { "active": false, "port": 7272, "localhttp": false }, "smtp": { "active": false, "port": 2727, "space_replace": "+" }, "ftp": { "active": false, "useFile": false, "port": 5050 }, "ssl": { "active": false }, "options": { "videoProcessor": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg" }, "cameras": [ { "name": "Schlafzimmer", "motion": false, "motionTimeout": 30000, "unbridge": true, "hsv": true, "prebuffering": true, "prebufferLength": 4, "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://xxxx:[email protected]:88/videoSub", "maxStreams": 2, "maxWidth": 0, "maxHeight": 0, "maxFPS": 0, "vcodec": "copy", "acodec": "libfdk_aac", "audio": false, "subSource": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://xxxx:[email protected]:88/videoSub", "stillImageSource": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://xxxx:[email protected]:88/videoSub" }, "smtp": { "email": "Schlafzimmer" }, "videoanalysis": { "active": false }, "mqtt": {} }, { "name": "Kinderzimmer", "motion": false, "motionTimeout": 30000, "unbridge": true, "hsv": true, "prebuffering": true, "prebufferLength": 4, "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://xxxx:[email protected]:90/videoSub", "maxWidth": 0, "maxHeight": 0, "maxFPS": 0, "vcodec": "copy", "acodec": "libfdk_aac", "audio": false, "subSource": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://xxxx:[email protected]:90/videoSub", "stillImageSource": "-rtsp_transport tcp -re -i rtsp://xxxx:[email protected]:90/videoSub" }, "smtp": { "email": "Kinderzimmer" }, "videoanalysis": { "active": true }, "mqtt": {} } ], "_bridge": { "username": "xxxxx", "port": 41331 }, "platform": "CameraUI" },
[02/09/2023, 09:31:30] [CameraUI] Schlafzimmer: Setting up camera, please be patient... [02/09/2023, 09:31:30] [CameraUI] Kinderzimmer: Setting up camera, please be patient... [02/09/2023, 09:31:33] [CameraUI] camera.ui v5.0.28-beta.0 is listening on port 8081 (http) [02/09/2023, 09:31:39] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":25.64192771911621,"sensitivity":75,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}] - Motion: detected - Camera: Kinderzimmer [02/09/2023, 09:31:39] [CameraUI] Kinderzimmer: Motion ON [02/09/2023, 09:33:12] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: {"time":"2023-09-02T07:33:12.542Z","event":"dwellTime (60s)"} - Motion: resetted - Camera: Kinderzimmer [02/09/2023, 09:33:12] [CameraUI] Kinderzimmer: Motion OFF [02/09/2023, 09:33:13] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":26.42057228088379,"sensitivity":75,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}] - Motion: detected - Camera: Kinderzimmer [02/09/2023, 09:33:13] [CameraUI] Kinderzimmer: Motion ON [02/09/2023, 09:36:13] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: {"time":"2023-09-02T07:36:13.512Z","event":"forceClose (3m)"} - Motion: resetted - Camera: Kinderzimmer [02/09/2023, 09:36:13] [CameraUI] Kinderzimmer: Motion OFF [02/09/2023, 09:36:16] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":27.29123306274414,"sensitivity":74,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}] - Motion: detected - Camera: Kinderzimmer
Probable solution: #855
🎉 A new version of camera.ui
A new version of camera.ui is currently under active development. An initial alpha/beta release and previews are coming soon. Stay tuned for exciting updates: https://github.com/seydx/camera.ui/issues/448 .
This version will no longer be developed / fixed. The new version contains many novelties and fixes (most important is for HKSV recording).