Your tv cache looks normal. Can you post me your browser console please? 1. Open `Google Chrome` 2. Open `Homebridge UI` 3. Switch to `Plugins` 4. Open Google `DevTools` (Windows:...
Added in 4.1.2. Simply create the right macro with the right commands to achieve the desired result [Example Config](
Hello @Fofer The custom ui offers you all the applications and commands your TV can handle. If there is no application or command to open the timer list, there is...
@Fofer It seems your tv has also ircc commands to open partner. What kind of apps these are idk. Thats nothing what i have coded. The plugin just lists everything...
Maybe I will revise the macros for the next version so that you can also open apps/channels and even set the "delay" between commands
Is „Live TV“ an app?
I did not understand exactly what the problem is. Can't you change the volume properly? Or is the display wrong? Log shows nothing out of the ordinary
Ah i understand. Can u post your config pls
Can u change speaker output to "headphone" pls and try again
I also have a soundbar connected (HDMI 3/ARC) and in config.json at speaker ``"output": "other"`` and it works without problems