Daniel Seybold
Daniel Seybold
Hi @tredondo and @jsaak , we will soon publish a TSBS benchmark series on all supported databases in our open database performance ranking: https://benchant.com/ranking/database-ranking I will post it here as...
I did a bit of research and it looks like the problem relates to use direct usage of pgx without pgxpool or PgBouncer as decribed here: https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/635#issuecomment-629581583 @atanasovskib @kovrus any...
Hi @filipecosta90 , great work on extending TSBS for Redis. We have tried to run your extensions against the `latest` Redis OSS container but encountered the following error during the...
@filipecosta90 thanks a lot for the explanation, this resolved the issue.
I debugged the code the calls a bit and it looks like the following line causes the error when closing the `Iterator` : https://github.com/timescale/tsbs/blob/master/cmd/tsbs_run_queries_cassandra/query_plan.go#L74 Yet, I do not see why...
Hi @chaithuam this is not supported by the YCSB, it only supports constant traffic patterns. Maybe there is a fork that supports that feature? And there are some research papers...
Hi @chaithuam , here is some of the research that applies fluctuating YCSB workloads to test their database autoscaling (or call it serverless thesedays): * https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dimitrios_Tsoumakos/publication/261525085_Automated_elastic_resource_provisioning_for_NoSQL_clusters_using_TIRAMOLA/links/54f98da30cf28d6deca4e14a.pdf * https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/2465351.2465370?casa_token=okRS1KaiiUYAAAAA:x_EBoUFAfRpVv5LYH16YyuRPrj0M3ZKN5rxTmBae85hoGR96O8ZC3WNKj7bozqS4Xnlkm7Ff2V0 And we...
Can you share the full command to run the YCSB? I assume there are some problems with establishing the connection to the selected database but the binding does not report...
Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to schedule the requests in that fine grained way. The threads will always send requests with the highest possible rate but you can limit...
Just put `-target 1000` in the LOAD or RUN command, e.g. `./bin/ycsb load mongodb -s -P workloads/workloada -target 1000` and the request rate will throttled to at max 1000 ops/s...