angular-vis copied to clipboard
An angular 2 vis.js project
I am trying to use the template option to make a timeline-item render with html Tags. (like shown in the soccer cup overview) I am getting no errors, but the...
How to remove timeline module,my project only use network
How do I view the document
Would you post an extended example of howto use more than basic functions of ng2-vis? Like setting options, styles, adding custom items etc.
Hi, I've been using your module (thanks btw ;) ) in an application and I wanted to leverage the Vis zoomIn zoomOut feature. This leads me to 2 questions :...
Hi Seveves, First big Thanks for your wrapping work ! I'm beginner in angular2 world and sometimes some errors makes me disappointed. **1 - How to import correctly vis.min.js map...
Hi, the type of rollingMode in timeline options is set as boolean, but il should be an object with 2 properties, **follow** and **offset**. [Doc link here.]( At the moment...
Hi, I can't manage to view subgroups on my timeline.. Is this a known issue? If not, what should I do to make it work? And will there be multiple...
Upgrading angular-cli to 1.0.0 and angular to 4.0.0 causes UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY issues while installing the corresponding node_modules.