Woody Kim
Woody Kim
because we developed only post and put rest api, it's really difficult to use (cannot search what data exist and cannot adjust parms already inserted)
#!/bin/bash readonly PROG_NAME=$(basename $0) readonly PROG_DIR=$(readlink -m $(dirname $0)) readonly DIC_PATH=$PROG_DIR/.. readonly USERDIC_PATH=${DIC_PATH}/user-dic readonly MECAB_EXEC_PATH=/usr/local/libexec/mecab readonly DICT_INDEX=$MECAB_EXEC_PATH/mecab-dict-index get_userdics() { pushd $USERDIC_PATH &> /dev/null echo $(ls *.csv) popd &> /dev/null }...
Hey guys I set up swagger api on our project. check the format and update contents plz.
now I can see celery logeer, django logger, python print and custom print function, we need to unify those into one
Attention network,poimter network, bilstm, dynamic rnn required
need sharable object between each graph nodes
need rest api for nlp data augmentation
need to convert it to keras fasttext for gpu acceleration
for performance need to work on convert pure python slow code to compiled and gpu workable code
sometimes we face gpu crush on cluster environment, especially when multiple job requested at a same time. we need to handle this problem.