AdvancedUrbanRappelling copied to clipboard
More feature requests
Seems like a good mod, but I have a couple of problems with it right now.
- It would be much better if rappelling required the unit to be carrying some sort of rope item in their inventory. Ideally, this would stop every unit being able to climb down the side of a building when it is unlikely for them to be carrying a rope or be at a pre-placed rappel position. An example of this being abused can be shown through a few of the missions I play with my groups. Occasionally we have civilians or enemy players as hostages in a mission and have them on a rooftop. With this mod enabled and without anything stopping a player from using it, the players could run off at any point when we weren't looking at them and start rappelling down the building, without us being able to see them.
I understand that adding a rope item to the game would coincide with a major part of the mod; the fact that it can be run serverside without players having to run it, as well as requiring any AI to also need to carry rope items. However, maybe this could be considered for a separate, more "realistic" version of the mod. - There is currently no stamina loss when using a rope. This may make more sense when you are rappelling down (though I would imagine it still would be somewhat straining to hold yourself in place) but definitely needs to be considered when climbing up the rope.
- Right now the mod seems to struggle with some certain keybinds. For example, I have my sprint bound to W+S so that I can slide my finger down from W to start sprinting. However, the mod doesn't seem to support this and I, therefore, cannot push off from the side of a building without changing my binds. Maybe integration with CBA keybinding would help?
+1 for point 3, as I also use the W+S keybind for sprint.
i found this comment by Duda on the forum
Here's an easier way to make the rope required. Add this code to your init.sqf file. Don't need to unpack/modify the addon.
[] spawn { waitUntil {!isNil "AR_Rappel_From_Heli_Action_Check"}; AR_Rappel_From_Heli_Action_Check = { params ["_player","_vehicle"]; if!([_vehicle] call AR_Is_Supported_Vehicle) exitWith {false}; if(((getPos _vehicle) select 2) < 5 ) exitWith {false}; if(((getPos _vehicle) select 2) > 150 ) exitWith {false}; if(driver _vehicle == _player && isEngineOn _vehicle) exitWith {false}; if(speed _vehicle > 100) exitWith {false}; if!("Exile_Item_Rope" in magazines _player) exitWith {false}; true; }; };