AdvancedUrbanRappelling copied to clipboard
Feature Request - fully serverside
pls make it a fully serverside addon. and EXILE compatible with rope item needed.
i found this comment by Duda on the forum
Here's an easier way to make the rope required. Add this code to your init.sqf file. Don't need to unpack/modify the addon.
[] spawn { waitUntil {!isNil "AR_Rappel_From_Heli_Action_Check"}; AR_Rappel_From_Heli_Action_Check = { params ["_player","_vehicle"]; if!([_vehicle] call AR_Is_Supported_Vehicle) exitWith {false}; if(((getPos _vehicle) select 2) < 5 ) exitWith {false}; if(((getPos _vehicle) select 2) > 150 ) exitWith {false}; if(driver _vehicle == _player && isEngineOn _vehicle) exitWith {false}; if(speed _vehicle > 100) exitWith {false}; if!("Exile_Item_Rope" in magazines _player) exitWith {false}; true; }; };
Crack open the pbo, in functions\fn_advancedUrbanRappellingInit.sqf find
AUR_Rappel_Action = { params ["_player"]; if([_player] call AUR_Rappel_Action_Check) then {
Just below that, add
if!("Exile_Item_Rope" in magazines _player) exitWith { ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Urban Rappeling", "You need rope to do this"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; };