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JavaScript Strong Password Generator: based on Jeff Atwood's Post "Password Rules Are Bullshit".

Javascript Strong Unicode Password Generator

Abracadabra by

This tool is based on Jeff Atwood's Post "Password Rules Are Bullshit".

You can view a working demo at

It currently uses six unicode blocks, but I don't see any reason why one can't use them all; this just makes the best looking passwords.


npm i javascript-strong-password-generator

Basic Usage

This is a quick out-of-the-box usage example. This is not how you'd use it in production if you want it to be secure, but it will give you a decent random unicode password.

const jsspg = require('javascript-strong-password-generator');

const newPassword = jsspg.generate();


Command-line Usage

JSSPG includes a simple command-line app that will generate a single random password seeded by your local environment.

$ js-spg

Advanced Usage

To reduce predictability add entropy from dynamic sytem state inforation such as CPU usage, number of active processes, availalbe ram and disk io.

const jsspg = require('javascript-strong-password-generator');
const si = require('systeminformation');
const sha512 = require('js-sha512');

let entropyval;

function entropyAccumFunction() {
  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
    const cpuSpeed = await si.cpu();
    const processes = await si.processes();
    const disksIO = await si.disksIO();
    const memory = await si.mem();

    entropyval = sha512(`${JSON.stringify(cpuSpeed)}:${JSON.stringify(processes)}:${JSON.stringify(disksIO)}:${JSON.stringify(memory)}`);


function entropyFunction() {
  return entropyval;

async function run() {
  await entropyAccumFunction();

    timeBasedEntropy: false,
    entropyFxn: entropyFunction,



Building for Browsers

This will generate a ./build/jsspg.min.js file for use in a web browser.

$ npm run webpack

Basic Browser Usage

<script src="js/jsspg.min.js"></script>
(function () {

  var newPassword = jsspg.generate()

Core Concept

"Password Rules Are Bullshit".



Options [{ k: v }]

  • entropyFxn [function fxn()]: Custom entropy function. Must return an Array or string of length fortuna.entropySz (128 by default)
  • timeBasedEntropy [bool]: Detaches the reseeding of the algorithm from the call to random().
  • accumulateTimeout [int]: The amount of time in milliseconds between each timeBasedEntropy call. Requires timeBasedEntropy to be true.


Generates a random Unicode password of length passwordLength (length is Unicode characters, not bytes).