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Enzyme support
I just checked, and on Julia v1.10.0, Enzyme v0.11.15 can differentiate expv
with no troubles. It fails on expv_sequence
though. Here's the code:
using Enzyme, ExponentialAction
f(t, A, v) = sum(ExponentialAction.expv(t, A, v))
fseq(tmin, tmax, A, v) = sum(sum, ExponentialAction.expv_sequence(range(tmin, tmax, 10), A, v))
function grad_enzyme(t, A, v)
dA = fill!(similar(A), 0)
dv = fill!(similar(v), 0)
(dt,), = autodiff(Reverse, f, Active, Active(t), Duplicated(A, dA), Duplicated(v, dv))
return dt, dA, dv
function grad_enzyme_seq(tmin, tmax, A, v)
dA = fill!(similar(A), 0)
dv = fill!(similar(v), 0)
(dtmin, dtmax), = autodiff(Reverse, fseq, Active, Active(tmin), Active(tmax), Duplicated(A, dA), Duplicated(v, dv))
return dtmin, dtmax, dA, dv
tmin, tmax = sort(rand(2))
A = randn(30, 30)
v = randn(size(A, 2))
grad_enzyme(tmin, A, v) # fine
grad_enzyme_seq(tmin, tmax, A, v) # errors
Enzyme succeeded on expv
for every structured matrix I tried in LinearAlgebra but failed for SparseMatrixCSC
Unlike the other frameworks, we don't have many options to improve things with Enzyme. I think in principle Enzyme's activity analysis would avoid differentiating through code used only for control flow. But we may need to open an issue on Enzyme for the expv_sequence
error if we can simplify it.
FWIW, Enzyme still errors on ExponentialUtilities.expv